Saskatoon Area Council - By-Laws 2019

Amended: January 31st, 2019
Reviewed: January 31st, 2019 Reviewed: March 8, 2016 (no changes)
Amended: March 9, 2015


By-Law 1: Name
By-Law 2: Objectives
By-Law 3: Membership
By-Law 4: Officers
By-Law 5: Election of Officers By-Law 6: Duties of Officers
By-Law 7: Executive Committee By-Law 8: Committees
By-Law 9: Meetings
By-Law 10: Finances
By-Law 11: Auditors
By-Law 12: Amendments
By-Law 13: Conventions
By-Law 14: Discipline
By-Law 15: Council Appendix 1: Oath of Office


The name of this Council shall be the “Saskatoon and District Area Council”, here-in after referred 
to as the Council.

Section 1
The Council is established in accordance with Sub- section (5) of Section 14 of the Constitution of 
the Public Service Alliance of Canada, (PSAC). The Council shall maintain liaison with the Alliance 
through the office of the designated Regional Executive Vice-President of the Alliance.

Section 2
The Council shall be governed by the provisions set forth in Section 14, “Area Councils” of the 
Constitution of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, (PSAC).

Section 3
The Council will serve as a liaison for Locals, Branches, Directly Chartered Locals, and 
constitutionally recognized Regional Committees in the Saskatoon and District area.

Section 4
The role of the Council will include community, social, and recreational activities within the 
community; promotion and coordination of PSAC campaigns assigned to the Council by the PSAC such as 
political action; the promotion and involvement with the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) 
and Saskatoon District Labour Council; and the dissemination of information including workshops and 

Section 5
The Council may organize occupational groups for discussions of policies affecting such groups. The 
Council will encourage participants to communicate any decisions to the members of their Locals, 
Branches, Directly Chartered Locals, and constitutionally recognized Regional Committees.

Section 1
Membership in the Council is open to all Locals and Branches of Components and Directly Chartered 
Locals (DCL’s) that have members who work or reside in the Saskatoon and District area and to 
constitutionally recognized Regional Committees that fall within the Saskatoon and District area. A 
member may only participate in one Area Council.

Members in good standing from affiliated Locals, Branches, DCL’s, and constitutionally recognized 
Regional Committees shall have full voice in all discussions at the Council meetings.

Section 2
Each affiliated Local, Branch, and DCL shall be entitled to two (2) delegates for the first five 
hundred (500) members and one additional delegate for each additional five hundred
(500) members or part thereof. Each constitutionally recognized Regional Committee shall be 
entitled to one (1) delegate. Voting rights shall be vested in the delegates from the affiliated 
bodies and elected officers of the Council in accordance with the Section 14 of the PSAC 
Constitution (Area Councils).

PSAC and Component National Officers, who are not delegates from their Local, have full voice in 
all debates and discussions of the Area Council but no vote.

The Officers of the Council shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary- Treasurer; 
all of whom shall be elected from voting accredited delegates and officers in attendance at the 
Annual Meeting, and shall comprise the Executive Committee.

Section 1
The election of officers shall be by secret ballot. A ballot shall be distributed to all members 
entitled to vote for each office. Each member in attendance entitled to vote shall write on the 
ballot the name of their choice for the office called.

Section 2
Election to any office shall be declared only on receipt of a clear majority of the vote cast.

Section 3
Only accredited delegates of the Council shall be eligible for any office.

Section 4
Only accredited delegates of the Council shall have the right to vote at any election of the 
Council, as per By-law 3, Section 2.

Section 5
Any officer or delegate absent for just cause may stand for election with the approval of the 
majority of the delegates attending a meeting, provided that the delegate submits a written 
statement indicating the reason for being absent and willingness to stand for office if nominated.

Section 6
Officers-Elect of the Council shall take office at the end of the meeting at which they were 

Section 7
As the election for each office is called, the nominee or their nominator or seconder may speak to 
the assembly on behalf of the nominee for a period of not more than three (3) minutes.

Section 8
The Oath of Office shall be administered to all elected officers immediately upon taking office.

Section 1- President

(1) The President shall preside at meetings of the Council and its Executive Committee.
(2) The President shall uphold the PSAC Constitution and Regulations and the Council By-Laws and 
(3)  The President shall oversee the work of all officers of the Council and shall be a member 
ex-officio of all committees of the Council.
(4) The President shall report to the Executive Committee and meetings of the Council on their 
activities and perform other duties as pertain to that office.
(5) The President shall be responsible for the efficient and proper conduct of the affairs of the 
(6)  The President shall vote only in case of a tie vote on any matter.
(7)  The President shall with the assistance of the Regional Executive Vice- President, bring to 
the attention of the appropriate segment of the PSAC, the policies and views adopted at Council 
(8) The President shall, with the assistance of the Regional Executive Vice- President, carry out 
an active liaison with the various Component Locals in the Saskatoon and District area.

Section 2 - Vice‑President

(1)  The Vice-President shall assist the President in the carrying-out of the duties of that office 
as requested.
(2)  The Vice-President shall in the absence of the President, assume the duties of the President.

Section 3- Secretary/Treasurer

(1)    The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for notifying all Council Officers and 
delegates and Component Locals of all meetings
(2)    The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping accurate records of all meetings.
(3)    The Secretary-Treasurer shall forward to the Regional Executive Vice-President, minutes of 
all meetings no later than thirty (30) days following the date on which each meeting is held.
(4)    The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving all correspondence and referring 
it to the appropriate Executive Officer or appropriate meetings for action.
(5)    The Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare correspondence as may be directed by the President, 
Executive Committee or the Council.
(6)    The Secretary-Treasurer shall have available and read at regular meetings, copies of all 
correspondence of interest received of dispatched since the previous general meeting for perusal by 
the members.
(7)    The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive all monies and ensure that they are properly recorded 
and deposited in a chartered bank or as directed by the Council to the credit of the Saskatoon and 
District Area Council, PSAC.
(8)    The Secretary-Treasurer shall be one of the designated signing officers.
(9) The Secretary-Treasurer shall present a written statement to the Executive Committee and to the 
regular Council Meetings detailing the receipts and expenditures for the previous period.
(10)  The Secretary-Treasurer shall submit a detailed and audited financial statement at the annual 
meeting of the Council.
(11)  The Secretary-Treasurer shall expend funds only as directed by the Council.
(12)  The Secretary-Treasurer shall cooperate fully with auditors and shall provide such 
explanations and records as they may require.

Section 1
The Executive Committee shall be composed of the elected officers provided in By-Law 4.

Section 2
Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the President, or the PSAC Regional 
Executive Vice-President, or on written request to the President by members of the Executive 

Section 3
If a member of the Executive Committee is absent for more than three (3) consecutive meeting for 
other than valid reasons, they are automatically relieved of their duties.

Section 4
When a vacancy in the Executive Committee occurs, a notice to fill such vacancy shall be given at 
the next regular meeting of the Council. An election will be held at the following regular Council 

Section 5
A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be the majority of the elected officers present at a duly 
called Executive meeting.

Section 6
The actions of the Executive Committee shall be reported to each regular Council meeting.

Section 7
On vacating their respective positions, all officers of the Council shall return all funds, 
documents or other properties of the Area Council.

The Council shall have the authority to establish sub-committees as required. These sub-committees 
shall conduct their affairs in accordance with these By-Laws. The Council President shall be 
ex-officio member of any sub-committee.

Section 1
The Council shall convene meetings at least four (4) times a year.

Section 2
Special meetings of the Council shall be held at the call of the President, or the PSAC Regional 
Executive Vice-President, or on request in writing by three (3) delegates from separate Component 
Locals to the Council President or the PSAC Regional Executive Vice-President.

Section 3
For the introduction of any additional business at a special meeting other than that for which the 
meeting was called, a two-thirds majority vote shall be required.

Section 4
All decisions of the Council shall be by consensus. Should consensus not be possible, the President 
shall have the authority to request a vote of the accredited delegates.

Section 1
The expenditure of Council funds shall be vested in the Council.

Section 2
All expenditure of Council funds shall be approved in accordance with By-Law 9, Section 4.

Section 3
The Council may delegate Executive Committee authority to expend funds up the amount shown in the 
annual budget subject to the limitation of Section 4.

Section 4
No individual expenditure unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Council shall exceed 

Section 5
The fiscal year shall be January 1st to December 31st.

Section 6
A proposed budget shall be presented at the first monthly meeting following the Annual General 
Meeting of the Council.

Section 7
Changes to the budget may be submitted by the Executive Committee should it be necessary during the 

Section 8
The following officers are the signing authorities for the Council: President, Vice- President, and 

Section 9
All cheques shall be signed by the Secretary-Treasurer and one other authorized Executive Officer.

Section 1
A committee of two (2) members in good standing shall be appointed by the voting members of the 
Council, as per By-law 3, Section 2, at a regular meeting to perform the annual audit prior to 
March 1st.

Section 2
This report of the auditors shall be presented in writing at a general meeting of the Council and 
shall be signed by both members of the audit committee.

Section 1
By-Laws of the Council may be amended by a 2/3 majority of those accredited voting delegates in 
attendance at the Annual Meeting, except such changes as may be necessary by reason of amendment of 
the PSAC Constitution by Convention.

Section 2
To repeal, amend or add to these By-Laws outside of the Annual Meeting, a notice shall be posted 
thirty (30) days in advance and shall require two-thirds (2/3) majority of those accredited voting 
delegates at a special meeting.

To be eligible for election as the Council Delegate to the Prairie Region Convention and/or PSAC 
Triennial Convention, Council members must have attended at least 50% of the Council meetings held 
in the last twelve (12) month period, or have provided, to the satisfaction of Council members, a 
justified reason for not meeting this criterion. In the event that no qualified members meet these 
criteria, elections will be open to any member in good standing.

The Council shall have the authority by a majority vote at a regular meeting to suspend or expel 
from the Council any member for contravening a provision of the PSAC Constitution or the By-Laws of 
the Council.

Nothing in these By-Laws shall be construed to conflict with the Constitution of the Public Service 
Alliance of Canada.

Appendix 1

“I,                                                                having been elected an Officer 
of the Saskatoon and District Area Council of the Public Service Alliance of Canada, solemnly 
declare that for my term of office, I shall fulfill the duties of such office, will maintain and 
uphold the dignity of the Union and will always keep confidential all matters concerning the
affairs of the Union that are brought to my attention”

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