Calgary Human Rights Committee
Annual General Meeting
March 28th, 2019
In Attendance, Name / Local:
Tabassom Javadi
UNE 30040
Ade Michael
AGR 30048
Meghan Burfort
UNDE 30907
Victoria Norris
UTE 30024
Shohreh Movahedi
CEIU 30856
Shanon Hicks
CIU 30036
Kathy Ajram
UTE 30022
Non-Voting Attendees *
Danielle Poissant *
UNDE 30907
Cheryl Jenson *
UNDE 30907
Deb Kosteniuk *
UTE 30024
Marianne Hladun
REVP Prairies
Dolly Ablitt, Regional Representative
1. Call to order at 6:04 PM
2. PSAC Policies reviewed – Dolly Ablitt, Regional Representative
Statement on Harassment read out
Scent free policy reviewed
Land acknowledgement
3. Marianne Hladun, REVP Prairies - Guest Chair
Reviewed purpose of the committee, composition, voting rights for locals (one vote per local). There are four equity seeking groups with PSAC – Indigenous, Racialized, GBLTQ2S+ & Persons with Disabilities. Must have minimum 3 attendees for quorum.
Discussed tips for success – don’t try to take on too many things at once, choose a few good activities to do and do them well. Check out what other HRC’s have been doing in other areas and what has been done in the past that engages the membership and speaks to the root causes of issues facing equity seeking groups.
Connect with the PRC Reps responsible for each Equity Seeking Group (their information is available on the website.)
• Sandra Ahenekew – Indigenous
• To be filled shortly – Racialized
• Debbie Blum – PWD
• Chris Littlejohn – GBLTQ2S+
Reviewed budgeting and submissions to her for funding expectations, following the elections the committee executive will need to transfer signing authority, submit a report for the previous year to the best of their ability and then submit a plan and budget for 2019. New Executives are expected to be aware of and follow the reporting guidelines.
Insure that 4 meetings are conducted for 2019 to be eligible for seat at Prairie Region Convention. Budget to provide food is limited – it is for a ‘light meal’.
4. Elections – Conducted by Marianne Hladun, REVP Prairies Region
Chair: Tabassom Javadi n. Victoria Norris s. Shohreh, Movahedi – acclaimed
Treasurer: Shanon Hicks n. Tabassom Javadi s. Victoria Norris - acclaimed
Secretary: Kathy Ajram n. Shanon Hicks s. Victoria Norris - acclaimed
Oath of Office was administered by Marianne Hladun, REVP Prairies
5. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM. Next meeting date TBA after Banking logistics have been completed.
Dolly Ablitt, Regional Representative
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