Calgary Area Council Meeting Minutes – February 27, 2019
Alec Goertzen, President
Dale Marianicz, Vice-President
Phillip Chan, Treasurer
Deb Kosteniuk, Secretary
Diane White PSAC Regional Rep
Br Goertzen called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
Br Goertzen presented the Agenda for review and adoption
Br Goertzen amended the Agenda to include Minutes from Nov 8/18 meeting and Round Table
The amended Agenda was adopted M/S/C Marianicz/Kosteniuk
November Minutes
Br Goertzen presented the November 8, 2018 minutes for review and adoption.
M/S/C Kosteniuk/Marianicz
President’s Report
Br Goertzen advises Calgary Area Council held the required four meetings necessary to keep Council in good standing. We accomplished all 2018 budget items except we had intended to do a labour brunch similar to one tried in Edmonton and it didn’t work out. Ice Cream Day at the airport went very well. Labour Day was wet and cool but we still had a lot of people attend at our booth.
The Canada Post Rally that Alec attended with our PSAC Rep Diane was a very Canadian rally; first the CUPW supporters yelled and chanted and then the pipeliners took their turn, we crossed streets when it was safe to do so and people, although they had different agendas, worked well together at the rally.
We did a few little extra things in 2018, and we had some participation indirectly with the AFL.
2019 we have both provincial and federal elections coming up; we will plan something related to those. It’s going to be a unique year for Alberta and hopefully we will see the NDP back in power rather than the UCP.
M/S/C Goertzen/Kosteniuk
Vice President’s Report
Br Marianicz reported that as Vice President of AC he participated in the National Day of Mourning event at City Hall on April 28, 2018. He purchased fresh flowers, took pictures of the memorial and noted that the ceremony was held at the front of City Hall. He was also present at the Labour Day BBQ and said it was quite successful with good turnout.
M/S/C Marianicz/Kosteniuk
Treasurer’s Report
Br Chan reported that the December 31, 2018 closing balance was $1,741.45. He has prepared the reporting package for the REVP except for the budget request, which will be discussed at tonight’s meeting.
Br Chan noted that the August and September 2018 bank statements have never been received by Area Council. Our RO representative, Regional Coordinator and REVP are aware of this.
Funds were expended in 2018 for meetings, CLiFF, Labour Day BBQ, Ice Cream Day – we spent $1857.54 in 2018.
Banking charges in 2018 remained the same, but Br Chan advised should the bank increase their rates, that change would be effective in May.
Br. Goertzen noted Br. Marianicz paid for the flowers and his parking with cash for the Day of Mourning event; he misplaced his receipts and has never been reimbursed. Br. Goertzen will speak with REVP to discuss if a Statement of Attestation would be in order. If so, it can be prepared and this would be dealt with as part of 2019 transactions. The costs were flowers, $26.24 and parking, $4.75
M/S/C Chan/Marianicz
2019 Action Plan
Br. Goertzen led the conversation on activities for 2019. We will participate again in our regular activities such as Labour Day BBQ, in the National Day of Mourning and Remembrance Day. We will not be doing CLiFF for 2019. We have done it for four years and response has been lacklustre.
2019 is an election year provincially and federally, and we want to do a political action activity for both the provincial and federal elections. Br Goertzen advises in election years we can ask for some funds from the REVP for political action – there is funding for federal elections from National but the REVP has a limited amount that we may be able to access for provincial election activities.
i.e. Hold a town hall meeting and have candidates talk to members;
Phone bank – mobilization of members to come for a town hall or rally
Mail outs – sending information to members about voting for labour friendly parties
Whatever we do, we want to entice our members to be there. And for any event we hold, we will need to write our business case and make sure we cover all expenses, including loss of salary for leading/organizing a rally.
What is our campaign going to be based on? We could use Here for Canada as a base and build up from it. Rallies? Mail outs? Lunch ‘n Learns? Town Halls?
We would need to do a phone bank to mobilize members to come for a town hall, lunch n’ learn or town hall.
Br Goertzen recalled about 8 years they did a campaign called “Your Vote Counts” with lunch n’ learns at Harry Hays and the Airport Corporate Centre. They even had buttons done. Diane White, PSAC RO Rep will see if any of that material survives.
We have to keep in mind the members only have lunch time to participate, which includes their time getting to the event and getting back to their desks. But perhaps a better way to go would be to do a “Dunk a Donut/Your Vote Counts” lunch time presentation. Members can bring their lunch with them and we provide coffee/drinks/donuts. Texas donuts were mentioned as being a good way to get folks to turn out, but donuts from Tim Hortons would work too.
Br Goertzen spoke about how Phoenix is affecting members, some 3 years on and we know members are having to access the Food Bank from time to time. Sr. Kosteniuk advised that people can use the Calgary Food Bank up to 7 times throughout a year – the first three times they can go themselves but if they need the Food Bank more than 3 times, then they must be referred by an agency – because if it’s an ongoing, chronic issue, they need help from these Agencies to get back on track.
We could do a drive for the food bank and collect food and cash donations (which the Calgary Food Bank accepts) and do what RWC did for the toy drive – have the component locals bring the donations into the RO office between 3 and 8 p.m. Cost – none really but our time on the drop off day and then getting the donations to the Food Bank.
Br Goertzen stated our 2019 projected budget which would cover meeting costs, bank fees, and the activities discussed in the Action plan, would be $2616 (approximately). We have $1741.45 in the bank account at the end of 2018 so our “ask” is approximately $875.00
M/S/C Marianicz/Kosteniuk
The Vice President and Treasurer positions are up for election.
Diane called for nominations for Vice President. Sr. Kosteniuk nominated Br Marianicz, Br Goertzen seconded. No other nominations being made, Br Marianicz was asked if he would let his name stand. Br Marianicz acclaimed.
Diane called for nominations for Treasurer. There were no nominations for Treasurer. Br Goertzen, as per the bylaws of Area Council will assume Treasurer duties until such time as another election for Treasurer is held and a Treasurer is elected or acclaimed.
Round Table
Diane White, PSAC RO Rep
Diane spoke with Alison at the AFL, there’s the HSSA “Union Talks” speaker series going on. February 28th the topic is Energy Transformation. 7:00 p.m. 6100 – 333 96 Avenue NE.
The AFL is also doing political action training forums in Lethbridge, Edmonton and Calgary. In Calgary it’s being offered on March 28. 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn.
Br. Goertzen asked if members of AC were interested in attending – he can make request for LOS to the REVP.
She asked AC to promote PSAC education courses as intake has been a little slow.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
M/S/C Goertzen/Marianicz
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