Grainfield’s Restaurant
April 24, 2019
5:00 p.m.
Sherry Dearing Pennie Young Louise Mardell
Kim Kelly France Tremblay-Franc Joyce Romanchuck
Christina Creusot
1. STATEMENT OF HARRASEMENT1.1 Statement read by Pennie Young. Louise Mardell is Harassment Representative2. ADOPTION OF AGENDA2.1 Review and adoption of Agenda. Rally information added (France)2.2 Kim moved to adopt Agenda. Seconded by Christina. ACCEPTED3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES3.1 Review and adoption of Minutes of December 20, 20183.2 Kim moved to adopt Minutes. Seconded by Sherry. ACCEPTED4. BUSINESS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES4.1 Letter to MP – France will send the draft letter to Louise for her review. The letter will then be presented to the Executive and then forwarded onto the MP.4.2 Town Hall – The Active Shooter Session is no longer facilitated by Jesse Barlow. Joyce can be a facilitator, but would prefer France to try to find someone else first. France will follow up.4.3 Education – Louise discussed the upcoming courses through PSAC:-Duty to Accommodate (May)-Women’s Place in the Union; Prairie School for Women (June)-Domestic Violence in the Workplace (Fall)-Advanced Representation (Fall)Please check PSAC’s website for further details5. REPORTS5.1 President’s Report – France is retiring therefore elections will be pending. Nominations for President need to be submitted. This will be further discussed at the next meeting.5.2 Financial Report – Financial Statements are sent to the PSAC office (to Louise) and then she scans and emails a copy to the PAAC Executive. Sherry will do an annual report which will be sent to Pennie. The report must also be audited by another PSAC member who is not on the Executive of the PAAC. Sherry will follow up.6. OTHER BUSINESS6.1 Rally – April 25, 2019. There will be a rally held on April 25th at the John E McDonald building (Marquis Road & 5th Avenue East) from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. PSAC Members are raising awareness about Phoenix issues, as well as members being without a contract for almost 2 years. Following the rally there will be a breakfast held for members at Starlight Restaurant with Marianne Hladun speaking with regards to the upcoming bargaining sessions, phoenix issues and strike concerns.6.2 Return to Sender Strategy – At the beginning of his term, Justin Trudeau sent a letter to PSAC members outlining his ‘promises’ to members. PSAC members across the country have stamped the letter with “Return to Sender”, are signing them and mailing them back to the Prime Minister. (Copy attached) Louise will be bringing the letters to the rally for any members that did not receive a copy. She will collect them and submit them as one package. Also a note that if anyone has any strategy ideas, please speak to Louise.6.3 PAAC Budget – Marianne joined the meeting and advised that the Financial Report/Proposal for PAAC has to be in no later than May 15, 2019. In order to receive funds for the next fiscal year, the executive decided to do a proposal bringing forward and using last year’s budget and adding in the costs of the Active Shooter Session as well as Mental Health & First Aid training/seminar.6.4 Next Executive Meeting will be June 19, 2019. Kim will check into a venue. Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
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