Lethbridge Regional Women’s Committee: Meeting Minutes - Oct. 22, 2019

Lethbridge Regional Women’s Committee

October 22, 2019 @ 7:00pm

Conference Call Meeting Minutes

Attendance by phone:

Stephanie Erb (30048), Sherry Hunt (30048), Karen Mah (30048), Krysty Thomas (30048), Danielle Possiant (30907), Diane White (PSAC rep)

Regrets: Kristy Slattery (30036)


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm

Consensus that K Thomas will be the delegate for Agriculture Local when voting for the National Women’s Conference LRWC attendee.

1. Review Previous Meetings minutes – D Possiant made a motion to pass the minutes; K Thomas seconded. Consensus to pass the motion.

2.  Election of Lethbridge Regional women's Committee Delegate to 2020 National Women’s Conference Ottawa. Should consensus not be reached, voting will be conducted as per the PSAC Constitution. Votes cast should be emailed to Diane White at Whited@psac-afpc.com.

  • Regarding the process of election, there was consensus to cast votes by email as stated above.
  • Call for Nominations: S Hunt, K Slattery had indicated interest; K Thomas, S Erb, D Possiant, and K Mah stepped back
  • D Possiant nominated S Hunt and K Thomas seconded
  • K Thomas nominated K Slattery and D Possiant seconded.
  • Please cast vote by email to Diane no later than Oct 23, 10am.
  • K Thomas read notes provided by K Slattery regarding her nomination. 
  • S Hunt spoke as to why she wanted to go. 

3.  Next meeting date and activity discussion

  • K Thomas suggested that K Slattery could provide dates in Nov or Dec when she is available and all could vote by Doodle.
  • S Hunt suggested that dates which don’t work for others and suggestions for events that the committee could participate in, could be sent to K Slattery.                                                                                                                          


  • KMah - will send link to article about Canada’s drop in rating in relation to women’s right.  K Mah had spoken to a few people at the Research Centre about the Persons day breakfast and there was definitely interest in attending had they known about the event.  For future Persons Day breakfasts, there could be better advertising.
  • D Possiant – elected to AFL committee, and will pass on information to the committee
  • S Hunt – circulated email re: sister in BC who passed 3 of the LRWC resolutions
  • S Erb – Sisters in Spirit March – Oct 4, started off with speeches and marched to Galt Gardens, followed by an hour and half vigil.  LRWC paid to replace pictures of missing women that were previously damaged and thrown out. S Erb got a receipt from the Persons Day breakfast; the donation paid for the centerpieces on the table. The pink flowers in a teacup represented the initial pink teas that were held to camouflage women’s rights discussions.
  • D White - has been extended to the end of Dec.  AUPE is doing a rally on Thurs at the SAIT campus and she will be attending.  Everyone is welcome to attend if they’re in Calgary. Please send D White pictures of events that we participated in and include a little blurb.  The photos can be posted on the Facebook page to show others what the committee is involved in.

K Thomas motioned to adjourn the meeting; S Erb seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 7:36


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