S.SK Human Rights Committee Minutes (August 2018)

PSAC South Saskatchewan Human Rights Committee - August 16, 2018 5:30 P.M.

Meeting minutes

In Attendance: Daniela Aubichon, Satinder Bains, Lin-Li Chen, Alicia Allen, Tim Hubick, Sandra Ahenakew, Jessica Bonish, Brett Pollard – Martha Johnson PSAC Rep

On the phone Deb K. PRC Women’s Rep

Regrets: Michelle Lange, Keith Hanson

Call to Order

  • 5:28

Reading of Harassment Statement

  • Read by Sandra Ahenakew


Financial Report

  • Current balance is $926.16 – as of July 2018 the bank has started charging $1 for printouts of bank statement.

Old Business

  • Discussion about 2018 Regina Queen City Pride Parade

New Business

  • Discussion about upcoming events and suggestions for events the committee could support; what have Equity Groups done in the past? What do community organizations have planned?
  • Service Canada offers the Blanket Exercise during work hours for their employees as part of Service Canada’s Action Plan for Reconciliation.
  • Days to be recognized were discussed:

March 8 – International Women’s Day

April 28 – National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed on the Job

June 21 – National Indigenous Peoples Day

September 3 – Regina Labour Day Picnic

September 30 – Orange Shirt Day – Honouring the survivors and victims of Indian Residential Schools

October 4 – Sisters in Spirit MMIWG Vigils

November 20 – Trans Day of Remembrance

December 3 – Disabilities

December 11 – International Human Rights Day

  • Discussion about creating a Bulleting/Newsletter (one every 6 months) that would highlight the upcoming Community Events and a brief description of the Days of Recognition.
  • Discussion – Regina & District Labour Council participated in the Queen City Ex parade – it was suggested that next year the HRC join forces with the RDLC and participate in the 2019 parade.
  • In Regina the North Central does a Smudge Walk –

Action Item -  Sandra will find out the date of the next walk and report back to the HRC.

  • It was suggested that when the HRC has planned events that they encourage participants to bring a non-perishable item to donate for the Regina Food Bank.
  • Open Door Society – how can we support any events they may organize? We need to reach out to the new Canadians/Immigrants.
  • The First Nation Tee Pee Camp for Stolen Children & Justice for Colten Boushie at the Wascana Park in Regina has put out a Facebook request for food and supplies. 

Satinder Bains made a motion to purchase $50.00 fruit to the camp – Seconded by Brett Pollard.

Action Item – Dani will send an email to Marianne regarding the donation and include the minutes from the meeting.

Action Item – Sandra will send an email to the HRC about when the food donation will be delivered to the Camp so anyone who would like to attend can attend.

  • Question was asked if there was a need for volunteers for the Labour Day Picnic. Tim Hubick said there is an Area Council meeting scheduled for August 23, 2018 at 5:30 where this issue will be discussed.


  • Martha informed the HRC about upcoming events in the Regina PSAC office; Advanced Women’s Course; Casino Regina Bargaining; Advanced Duty to Accommodate.  The PSAC boardroom will be booked for most of September and the first 2 weeks of October – things to consider when planning the next HRC meetingt.

Next Meeting Date

Action Item – Tim Hubick will send out a Doodle pole to find a date for the next HRC meeting.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:30

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