Regina Women’s Committee Meeting – October 30, 2019
In Attendance: Michelle Lang, Mandi Wilkinson, Charito Humphreys, Tanya Cambell, Michelle Tondevold, Daniela Aubichon, Jaymie Dovell, Jessica Bonish
1. Michelle Lang calls the meeting to order at 17:30h
2. Michelle Lang motions to pass the 5 resolutions to be brought forth for the upcoming events
- second: Jessica
-motion carried
3. Michelle Lang talks about going to buy the travel bags for the “Love lives here” project in the next week and Mandi will contact people to see how we go about distributing them. Charito makes a comment of a contact person and will follow up with Mandi.
4. Discussion of meeting dates for the All committee meet and great for November 12th at 7pm in the office as well as December 12th the Area Council meets for a Christmas seasonal open house at 7pm in the office
5. Election of Women’s delegate for the National Convention April 2020 as well as 1st and 2nd alternates
- 1st call for any nominations, Charito nominated Michelle Lang
- second: Daniela
-2nd call for nominations, Jaymie nominated Mandi Wilkinson
-second: Daniela
-Both Michelle Lang and Mandi Wilkinson speak as to why they want to go.
Michelle Lang has majority,
Michelle Lang accepts
-motion to destroy the ballots.
-first: Jessica
- second: Daneila
Motion passes
6. 1st alternate
- Mandi Wilkinson nominated by Michelle Lang
-second: Daniela
Mandi by acclamtion is accepted for 1st alternate
7. 2nd alternate
- Charito Humphreys nominated by Jessica
-second: Michelle Lang
Charito by acclamation is accepted for 2nd alternate
8. Meeting Adjourned 17:51h