Calgary Area Council Meeting Minutes – September 12, 2019
Alec Goertzen, President Diane White PSAC Regional Rep
Dale Marianicz, Vice-President
Deb Kosteniuk, Secretary
Darlene Dyck-Campbell, CEIU30856
Shazia Bukhari, CEIU30856
Br. Goertzen called the meeting to order at 6:05 p.m.
Br. Goertzen presented the Agenda for review and adoption
The Agenda was adopted M/S/C Goertzen/Kosteniuk
May Minutes
The May 15, 2019 minutes were previously reviewed and approved using the email process.
The secretary forwarded the minutes to the RO so that they could be sent by email to the locals and posted to the PSAC website. Br. Goertzen asked the minutes be amended to show the Component Locals for each attendee. Sr. Kosteniuk will do so and send them into the RO and ask to have the other minutes replaced with them.
Financial Report
Br Goertzen advises that there was $1557 in the bank; this is before the Labour Day BBQ expenses.
Old Business
Labour Day BBQ – We had a good turnout, lots of people signed the childcare petition and played the Phoenix Wheel of Misfortune. Sr. Dyck-Campbell advised she reached a lot of people walking around Olympic Plaza, directing them to our tent to sign the petition. Our cakes were a great hit and the Phoenix burning cake was really well done. Br Goertzen advises that the CDLC has advised there was ketchup and mustard left over and he is going to ask them to donate it to a place they think is appropriate.
New Business
Upcoming Training - Training for Committees executives regarding the Financial Reporting Package will be held in Calgary on October 30 and 31.
Phoenix Food Bank Drive
Br. Goertzen has submitted a business plan for the Phoenix Food Drive. We are looking at the week of the Election: October 22 to 25, 2019. We would do two days (Oct 22 and 24) at the Harry Hays Building from 11:30 to 1:30 (there will be loss of salary for this) and then two days (Oct 23 and 25) with a drive through drop off at the Regional Office. CAC will are also asking locals to make a cash donation and we would buy produce to help supplement the Food Bank’s supply, which is always low. We will need big boxes, sturdy ones
PSAC Votes/Dunk a Donut Day
Br. Goertzen has also submitted a business plan for this to the REVP; this was originally in 2019 budget to be done during provincial and federal elections. The plan was we would have the RO print out the party platforms and list of all candidates for the electoral districts in Calgary. PSAC has since come out with a document that states what all three parties have said on issues that matter to members (Phoenix, childcare, pharmacare, etc) and that may make a better hand out. CAC would set up our display in early October on the mezzanine of Harry Hays Building from11:30a to 1:30p, serving coffee and donuts and hold discussion/handing out information to members about voting. Br. Goertzen advised Diane White we will need some swag for the event – Frisbees, whistles, lip balm, etc.
Federal Election Planning
Br Goertzen advises there was a conference call with the Area Council presidents regarding the upcoming federal election and activities to be undertaken by the various Area Councils. Plans are being made for political action by all Area Councils across Canada. Our Dunk a Donut will now form part of the event planning.
There is supposed to be information “PSAC Votes” and we don’t appear to have received it. Diane will check into this, and Br Goertzen will discuss on REVP election call next Wednesday.
Diane advised there will be a mail out for the federal election and that the letters have to reach our members by October 4. There are about 4000 envelopes that will need to be stuffed.
Br. Goertzen asked if the other committees could be asked to participate as well. Dates for stuffing would be Sept 23, 24, 25 Br. Goertzen asked Sr. Kosteniuk to request help from some of the women from the RWC.
There was a general discussion about the two targeted ridings that have Liberals holding seats; one is Calgary Centre (Kent Hehr) and the other is Calgary Skyview. It would be good if we could hold an event of some kind in each riding once before the election.
Sr. Dyck-Campbell suggested a flash mob at Chinook Mall; Br. Goertzen suggested Cross Iron Mill. What Br. Goertzen is thinking of is a public place in the target ridings where we could hand out information to the public. We have to be careful of what we do because of the restrictions of the Election Act – we cannot be seen to be lobbying. Sr. Dyck-Campbell will talk with a contact at Chinook.
Sr. Kosteniuk suggested a small group show up with PSAC flags and information at events either held by the Liberal incumbents or that they are attending.
Br. Goertzen liked the placards we used in the 2015 election campaign “Vote to Stop the Cuts” campaign were really good and would be very useful again this election. He will ask about them in his phone call with Finance Committee and the REVP. They looked like this: (See attached .pdf)
Round Table
No round table discussion
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
M/S/C Goertzen/Kosteniuk
Next meeting November/2019
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