Calgary Area Council Meeting Minutes – November 20, 2019
Calgary Area Council Meeting Minutes – November 20, 2019
Alec Goertzen, President
Diane White PSAC Regional Representative
Dale Marianicz, Vice-President
Deb Kosteniuk, Secretary
Darlene Campbell CEIU 30856
Angelo Mangatal CEIU 30856
Jenn Jurca UCTE 30318
Kirsten Strachey UTE 30024
Br Goertzen called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
Br Goertzen presented the Agenda for review and adoption
The Agenda was adopted M/S/C Jurca/Strachey
September Minutes
The September 12, 2019 minutes were previously reviewed and approved using the email process.
The secretary has forwarded the minutes to the RO so that they could be sent by email to the locals and posted to the PSAC website. They should post shortly.
Treasurer Report
Br. Goertzen advises that we have $877.00 in the bank account now that Labour Day expenses have cleared. We have received $200.00 from the REVP’s office for the Food Bank Drive that he will deposit, which will bring the bank balance to $1,077.00
Old Business:
Dunk a Donut Day
Held at the Harry Hays Building on October 7, 2019, we offered coffee, donuts, and information. The donuts were sprinkled with either red, blue, orange or green sprinkles. We handed out the PSAC document about what the parties had said on issues relevant to our members. People attending made connection with donut colour being their vote, but we explained that wasn’t the case. Good interaction with members, lots turned out for the event.
UCTE Cookie Day.
UCTE 30318 held a Cookie Day. A notice and materials were posted to the Union Board and members were instructed that once they had the voting information, they could stop at Sr Jurca’s desk (Sr Jurca is the local president). She noted good involvement from her members and was able to assist a member with respect to a potential grievance matter. The cost of the cookie day will be paid to her by the Regional Office who will then submit this to the REVP as it is funded through her office.
#payitforward Phoenix Food Bank Drive
The drive was held October 22 and 24 at the Harry Hays Building from 11:30 to 1:30 each day
and from 4:00 to 7:30 p.m. on October 23 at the PSAC Regional Office
We delivered just under 100 pounds of non-perishable food and a cash donation of $1500 to the Calgary Food Bank. Each dollar donated equals $5.00 in food that can be distributed to those needing the services of the Calgary Food Bank, so our $1500 cash equals $7500 in food. Br Goertzen presented it to the Calgary Food Bank, and they were happy and excited about our donation.
Federal Election: The election was held and we have a Liberal minority government. The CAC events were the Dunk a Donut Day, and a UCTE Cookie day as part of our Election campaign as well as envelope stuffing (4000 letters) activity. The letter was from the REVP and Southern Alberta Area Councils and requested members support a labour friendly party candidate whenever possible.
New Business:
Three elections will be held:
a) Interim Treasurer
We have been without a treasurer since February 2019. The election for this position is held in even years and the interim treasurer elected tonight may run again for election at the CAC’s AGM in February 2020.
Jenn Jurca Nominated by Br. Goertzen, Seconded by Sr Kosteniuk
No other candidates nominated, Jenn Jurca was acclaimed as Treasurer
b) Calgary Area Council Representative for Prairie Region Council
This takes effect at the end of June, 2020 and is for the 2020 to 2023 cycle.
Alec Goertzen Nominated by Sr. Kosteniuk, Seconded by Sr Strachey
No other candidates nominated, Alec Goertzen was acclaimed as Area
Council Representative
1st Alternate Calgary Area Council Representative for Prairie Region Council. Should the elected Calgary Area Council Rep be unable to serve, or complete their term, the 1st Alternate would be asked if they could serve
Darlene Dyck-Campbell Nominated by Br Mangatal, Seconded by Br Goertzen
Dale Marianicz Nominated by Br Goertzen, Seconded by Sr Kosteniuk
As both nominees agreed to let their names stand, an election was required.
Diane White, PSAC Regional Representative, ran the election for 1st Alternate Calgary Area Council Representative.
Darlene Dyck-Campbell was declared the winner and is now the First Alternate.
2nd Alternate Calgary Area Council Representative for Prairie Region Council. Should the elected Calgary Area Council Rep or the 1st Alternate be unable to serve, the 2nd Alternate would be asked if they could serve
Dale Marianicz Nominated by Br Mangatal, Seconded by Sr Jurca
Angelo Mangatal Nominated by Sr Dyck-Campbell, Seconded by Br Goertzen
Kirsten Strachey Nominated by Br Goertzen, Seconded by Sr Kosteniuk
Both Angelo Mangatal and Kirsten Strachey did not accept their nominations and did not allow their names to stand.
Br. Marianicz was acclaimed as the 2nd Alternate Calgary Area Council Representative for Prairie Region Council.
c) Calgary Area Council Delegate to the 2020 PSAC Prairie Region Triennial Convention
Once elected, this delegate will be entitled to attend Convention. Br. Goertzen pointed out all others at the meeting were already eligible to attend Convention, either by holding a seat on the Prairie Region Council, or by being President of their Local.
Darlene Dyck-Campbell Nominated by Sr Jurca, Seconded by Sr Strachey
Angelo Mangatal Nominated by Br Goertzen, Seconded by Br Marianicz
Diane White, PSAC Regional Representative, ran the election for Calgary Area Council Delegate to the 2020 PSAC Prairie Region.
Darlene Dyck-Campbell was declared the winner.
1st Alternate to the Calgary Area Council Delegate to the 2020 Prairie Region Triennial Convention:
Angelo Mangatal Nominated by Sr Jurca, Seconded by Sr Dyck-Campbell
Angelo Mangatal was acclaimed the 1st Alternate.
Motion made to destroy the ballots:
M/S/C Kosteniuk/Jurca
Resolutions for 2020 PSAC Prairie Region Triennial Convention
Five resolutions were drafted and presented at the meeting for review. After discussion, it was agreed that we would forward the following four resolutions to convention:
#1 PRC to vote which Members Attend Prairie Region Triennial
M/S/C Goertzen/Strachey
#2 PRC to reduce Geographic Representatives to Three
M/S/C Kosteniuk/Jurca
#3 Alternate REVP to attend Two Standing Committee Meetings a Year
M/S/C Kosteniuk/Jurca
#4 Alternate REVP Invited to Attend All Standing Committee Meetings in a Year
M/S/C Goertzen/Kosteniuk
Round Table
Diane White, PSAC Regional Office Rep
Now that the Federal election is over, look for ramped up bargaining activities with focus on fair collective agreements and compensation for Phoenix. National is looking for Area Councils to lead a Phoenix Rally.
With the UCP taking power after the Provincial election, it is apparent they are cutting costs in health, education, the public service, and many more areas. There is ramped up activity throughout the province, with rallies happening almost every week. AFL has notified us about two rallies: one at lunch at the University of Calgary on November 21, and one happening on Saturday November 30 (the UCP AGM at the Calgary Westin).
Sr. Kosteniuk explained minute approval process and mentioned the rally on November 21at the University of Calgary.
There were no further individuals speaking at Round Table.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
M/S/C Goertzen/Marianicz
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