Winnipeg Regional Women's Committee Meeting - Meeting Minutes - August 20, 2019 at 5:30 p.m.

I. Call to order
Sheilagh Hanson called to orrder the regular meeting of the RWC at 5:30 on August, 2019 at 175 Hargrave St.

II. Roll call
Shelley Henn, Secretary conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Tracy Thor (temporary Staff Rep), Faye Kingyens, Sheilagh Hanson, Shelley Henn, Jennifer Chieh Ho (via telephone), Michelle

III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Shelley Henn, Secretary - Approved by consensus

IV. Statement of Harass,emt - adopted

V. treasurer's Report - Faye Kingyens
No report

VI. Previous Business

VII. New Business
a) Resolutions
   (1) Resolution 1, Moved by Michelle Phaneuf, seconder - Yvonne Heins
   (2) Resolution 2, Motion to Adopt by Yvonne Heins, seconder - Faye Kingyens

b) The Regina's Women Conference
The conference in September in Regina will be a four day gathering of women, Sheilagh is on the steering committee and hopefully everyone has applied?

c) The federal election
This is a huge election for federal workers. Try to volunteer for your MP if they are any good, the RO has volunteer jobs to be done, envelope stuffing and phone banks, as well as door knocking.

VIII. Adjournment
Sheilagh Hanson adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Shelley Henn




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