Regina RWC Meeting Minutes (October 10, 2019)

Regina Women’s Committee Meeting – October 10, 2019

In Attendance: Michelle Lang, Kelly MacDonald, Charito Humohreys, Tanya Cambell, Michelle Tondevold, Daniela Aubichon

1. Michelle Lang calls the meeting to order at 1715h

2. Michelle Lang acknowledges we are on treaty land and reads the land acknowledgement, everyone introduces themselves

3. Approval of Agenda

- Michelle Lang motions to approve

- Motion carried by everyone

4. Financial Report

Dani explains the report and the balance as of Aug 30/19 is 1837.66

- Michelle Lang motions to approve

- Frist: Charito

- Second: Kelly

- Motion carried

5. Signing Authority has changed/ who has signing authority

- Michelle Lang Chair

- Daniela as Treasurer

- Mandi Wilkinson as Vice Chair

- Treasurer Report attached

6. New Business

- review of Women’s conference that was in September 2019

- some discussion on how to improve for next time

7. Old Business

- Project “Love lives here” Bus – it was brought up that we would not be aloud to travel on the bus for liability purposes so it was suggested to put some kind of sticker on toiletries travel bag and have them deliver it to the women in need.

- Old motion to order 13 more so that we would have 26 in total

- New motion to spend $210.00 so we can get the 13 more

- Michelle Lang motions to approve

- Second: Dani

- Motion carried by everyone

8. Special meeting called for October 30th at 1730h to elect a Women’s delegate to the Women’s Conference.

9. Talked about the Resolutions that will be going to the Racial Visible Conference in November

- all resolutions were talked about and all were put through to go.

10. Meeting Adjourned 1802h


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