Winnipeg Area Council - Draft AGM Minutes - Jan. 28, 2020

2020 Winnipeg Area Council Annual General Meeting Minutes
January 28th, 2020
PSAC Boardroom 175 Hargrave St., Winnipeg, MB

Attendance: Jamie Bonner, Kristin Bowler, Susan Brown, Jennifer Chieh Ho, Christine Dmyterko, Nestor Galarnyk, Rita Gordon, Sheilagh Hanson, Yvonne Hein, Faye Kingyens, Gus Mardli, Michelle Phaneuf, Brett Rainboth

Guests: Tracy Thor, Marianne Hladun
Via Telephone: Jacqueline Nanali

  1. Call to Order 5:43pm by Chair Sr. Sheilagh Hanson

  2. Round table introductions by all in attendance

  3. PSAC Statement on Harassment deemed in effect
    Moved by Sr. Michelle Phaneuf, Seconded by Br. Nestor Galarnyk

  4. Adopt Agenda
    Moved by Sr. Rita Gordon, Seconded by Sr. Yvonne Hein

  5. Approval of minutes from last AGM
    Moved by Sr. Faye Kingyens, Seconded by Sr. Christine Dmyterko

  6. Treasurer’s Report
    $1943.50 Bank Balance as of January 1, 2020
    $1500 PSAC Prairie Region allocation
    $3443.50 Total Revenue
    Total Expenses $2202.58
    Remaining Balance $1240.92
    Financial Statement has been audited
    Sr. Hanson stated she would not be submitting a budget at this time as out going Chair
    Moved by Sr. Dmyterko, Seconded by Sr. Hanson, Passed unanimously

  7. New Business

    Sr. Hanson turned floor to Sr. Tracy Thor to run elections

- Sr. Cheih Ho nominates Br. Gus Mardli, seconded by Sr. Hein
- There were no other nominations
- Br. Mardli accepted the position

Vice Chair
- Sr. Dmyterko nominates Br. Galarnyk, seconded by Sr. Kingyens
- Br. Mardli nominates Sr. Hanson, Seconded by Sr. Gordon
- Nominations closed
- Sr. Hanson accepts nomination
-Br. Galarnyk accepts nomination
- Election held, Sr. Hladun acted as scrutineer: Br. Galarnyk elected by clear majority

- Sr. Dmyterko nominated Br. Brett Rainboth, Seconded by Br. Galarnyk
- There were no other nominations
- Br. Rainboth accepted the position

- Br. Galarnyk nominates Sr. Hanson, Seconded by Br. Mardli
- There were no other nominations
- Sr. Hanson declines the position
- Br. Mardli nominates Sr. Dmyterko, Seconded by Sr. Hanson
- There were no other nominations
-  Sr. Dmyterko accepted the position

  • Motion to destroy ballots: Sr. Hanson, Seconded by Sr. Kingyens, passed unanimously
  • Sr. Thor returns floor back to Sr. Hanson

Area Council PRC Election

  • Winnipeg Area Council Rep election
                            - Sr. Chieh Ho nominates Br. Mardli, Seconded by Sr. Dmyterko
                            - Sr. Gordon nominates Sr. Hanson, Seconded by Br. Bonner
                            - Sr. Hein nominates Sr. Dmyterko, Seconded by Br. Mardli
                            - Sr. Kingyens nominates Sr. Gordon, Seconded by Sr. Kristin Bowler
                            - Sr. Gordon accepts nomination
                            - Sr. Dmyterko declines nomination
                            - Sr. Hanson accepts nomination
                            - Br. Mardli declines nomination
                            - Elections held, Sr. Hladun acted as scrutineer: Sr. Sheilagh elected by clear majority

  • 1st Alternate
    Sr. Hanson nominates Sr. Gordon, Seconded by Br. Bonner
    Sr. Chieh Ho nominates Br. Mardli, Seconded by Sr. Bowler
    Sr. Gordon accepts nomination
    Br. Mardli accepts nomination
    Elections held, Sr. Hladun acted as scrutineer: Br. Mardli elected by clear majority

  • 2nd Alternate
    Br. Mardli nominated Sr. Gordon, Seconded by Sr. Dmyterko
    There were no other nominations
    Sr. Gordon accepted the position

   Winnipeg Area Council Delegate Election for PSAC Prairie Convention

  • Regional Delegate
    - Br. Mardli nominates Sr. Gordon, Seconded by Sr. Hein
    - Sr. Dmyterko nominates Br. Galarnyk, Seconded by Sr. Bowler
    - Sr. Hanson nominates Sr. Gordon, Seconded by Br. Bonner
    - Sr. Gordon accepts nomination
    - Br. Galarnyk accepts nomination
    - Br. Dmyterko declines nomination
    - Elections held, Sr. Hladun acted as scrutineer: Br. Nestor elected by clear majority

  • Alternate Delegate
    Br. Galarnyk nominates Sr. Gordon, Seconded by Br. Mardli
    Br. Mardli nominates Sr. Dmyterko, Seconded by Sr. Brown
    Sr. Dmyterko accepts nomination
    Sr. Gordon declines nomination
    Motion to destroy ballots by Gus, Seconded by Nestor, passed unanimously

Lobby City Hall about Winnipeg Transit

  • Br. Nestor would like to lobby city hall for subsidy on Winnipeg Transit
  • Br. Jamie suggested Locals could joining Winnipeg labour council to unite in lobbying city hall
  • Topic discussed further amongst all in attendance
  • Sr. Hladun advised a plan

  8. Bargaining update (Br. Nestor)

  • EB Pick commission Report just came back
  • PA and Common issue report still to be returned
  • Sr. Hladun gave further explanation regarding bargaining process after pick reports are returned
  • Sr. Tracy discussed Strike training

  9. Round Table

Discussions & Vote on PSAC Prairie Resolutions

  • Nestor presenting non-titled resolution on behalf of a member
  • - Seconded by Michelle
  • - Resolution debated by attendees
  • - Vote to putting motion forward as written to PSAC Prairie Convention, motion defeated.

*Break for Executive Oath – Completed with all newly elected members

  • Resolution #1 (submitted by chair) presented by Br. Mardli
    - Seconded by Sr. Brown
    - Resolution discussed by attendees
    - Vote to put motion forward as written to PSAC Prairie Convention, motion carried

  • Resolution #2 (submitted by chair) presented by Br. Mardli
    - Seconded by Sr. Chieh Ho
    - Resolution debated by attendees
    - Motion to amend by Sr. Kingyens, motion rescinded
    - Vote to put motion forward as written to PSAC Prairie Convention, motion defeated

  • Resolution #3 (submitted by chair) presented by Br. Mardli
    - Seconded by Sr. Dmyterko
    - No Debate
    - Vote to put motion forward as written to PSAC Prairie Convention, motion carried

  • Resolution #4 (submitted by chair) presented by Br. Mardli
    - Seconded by Sr. Chieh Ho
    -  No Debate
    - Vote to put motion forward as written to PSAC Prairie Convention, motion carried

  • Resolution #5 (submitted by chair) presented by Sr. Phaneuf
    - Seconded by Sr. Chieh Ho
    - No Debate
    - Vote to put motion forward as written to PSAC Prairie Convention, motion carried

  • Resolution #6 (submitted by chair) presented by Br. Mardli
    - Seconded by Sr. Chieh Ho
    - Resolution debated by attendees
    - Vote to put motion forward as written to PSAC Prairie Convention, motion carried

  • Resolution #7 (submitted by chair) presented by Sr. Phaneuf
    - Seconded by Br. Mardli
    - Resolution debated by attendees
    - Motion of amendment by Br. Mardli, Seconded by Sr. Phaeuf
    - Vote to put motion forward as amended to PSAC Prairie Convention, motion carried

    10. Next meeting date: Tuesday February 25th 2020 at 5:30pm

    11. Adjournment: 9:05pm
    Motioned by Sr. Hanson, Seconded by Br. Galarnyk

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