Pennie Young
Prince Albert Area Council Rep
Prairie Region Council February 2020
As my first term draws to an end, I reflect on what I have done and learned being the area council rep for Prince Albert and look forward to becoming more active in my next term. During the past 2 years I have become more involved and aware with what is going on in my community and In my province. I have participated in several rally’s and enjoyed them immensely. I have attended all the Area council meetings for Prince Albert and have been trying to encourage more people to become part of our area council. At our last meeting in January I was elected to be the Prince Albert Representative for the next three years. As my knowledge grows I plan to assist other people to become more active and encourage them to learn what the union is about.
In our meetings we have started discussing how to get people involved in the Union and our Prince Albert Area Council. One of the biggest ways we believe will make a difference is taking time and talking to individual people in our workplaces. I think lack of understanding about the Union is part of the problem and by sharing our knowledge we can and will make a difference in getting people involved.
Some of the highlights during my term was attending the 100 year strike rally to commemorate the general strike in Winnipeg. I was amazed at all the changes in the union during this time period. Attending the parade was interesting and a real eye opener for me. What people sacrificed for the good of others is very touching and makes me more willing to make a stand on issues.
I attended the last face to face meetings in Regina November 14th to the 17th. These meetings were productive and allowed the council to have great discussions on the upcoming Convention and put forward some resolutions for convention from the PRC.
On January 30th I participated in the PRC conference call.
I have been on the communications committee during this term and have enjoyed working with this committee, little things can make a difference and sometimes get people involved. By giving a colleague swag in the form of a whistle I was able to open a door which led to a discussion about the union. Giving people swag sometimes allows for conversations to be started.
Issues that continue here in Prince Albert are the lack of people attending both local Union meetings as well as Area council meetings, and the Phoenix Pay system. At my workplace we are wearing black t shirts on pay day since many people are still affected by the Phoenix Pay system.
In the next year we will have a provincial election and I plan to be involved in my local area to make a difference and help to keep people informed on issues that affect all of us.
I would like to thank the Regional office representatives who assisted all of us in many ways throughout this term.
Respectfully submitted in Solidarity,
Pennie Young