Prince Albert and District Area Council Meeting
June 24, 2020, 5:00 pm – via Skype
Christina Creusot Sherry Dearing Louise Mardell
Marianne Hladun Joyce Romanchuk
Treaty Acknowledgement
Statement of Harassment
Agenda – Motion Joyce, 2nd Sherry
Review of Previous Minutes – There were no minutes available, therefore they will be reviewed at the next meeting.
Round Table
- Was the financial package submitted? Has it been approved or were there missing documents or information?
- Package was submitted and received.
- Generally the finance committee reviews the packages and budget requests. However due to the pandemic and the PSAC office closure in mid-March, only a few packages had been received and the committee was not able to conduct a review.
- The finance committee has been asked to review the packages that have been submitted and if anything is missing, they will request it.
- Marianne will provide a copy of this committee’s submission to the Saskatoon Regional Office.
- The budgets have not been lost, but put off to the side in hopes that later in the year there may be an opportunity to move forward with some of the events/meetings included in the budget requests.
- If the committee wishes to plan an event (eg. food drive), a request can be made to Marianne for funds (an executive meeting with minutes describing the event and need for funds would be required).
- Does the committed have any ideas for Labor Day Event(s)? Do we wish to plan anything?
- At this time it is difficult to make any plans.
- Louise will reach out to the Labor Council regarding planned events.
- Marianne suggested speaking with the CLC, as there were discussions about which labor councils were making plans.
- Marianne also made mention of the meeting that take place involving all the committees (Area Council, RIPC, HR, Women’s, etc.). This gives everyone an opportunity to get the same information during the meeting. The next one is taking place July 8, 2020 @ 6:00 pm until approx. 7:30 pm.
- Curious about financial package, but was already discussed.
- Work in their office is safe, as there are only two of them.
- Very busy with return to work priorities
- Task force is working on how the return to work will move forward.
- Officers will be back on site tomorrow – June 25, 2020.
- There will be different phases for programs.
- Telework has been difficult with many trying to find a balance between home and work.
- A member or two trying to use 699 when there is no need for their circumstance.
- Some people really need it and others are interpreting it for their benefit.
- Employer has discretion, so employee will have to make their case.
Bargaining – Marianne
- Strike votes were to take place, but suspended due to the pandemic.
- Members continued to work and serve Canadians.
- Recognition has been given to public servants for their dedication.
- Difficult to get a collective agreement in light of a different deficit.
- PSAC has let our expectations be known.
- PIC reports were in our favor.
- Virtual meetings have made it difficult to conduct bargaining meetings.
- For bargaining information, sign-up to receive newsletters.
- Very important to ensure all rands are signed up.
- In light of a vote, it is just as important to have the home email address of all members.
- Each local needs to be able to contact their members.
- Members can update their information on the website.
- Tomorrow – June 25, 2020, is the last webinar for the summer – Alternate Dispute Resolution.
- Possible ratification meeting may be taking place in the future.
Next Meeting – Wednesday, September 16, 2020 @ 5:00 pm
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