Winnipeg Human Rights Committee - Meeting Minutes - June 29, 2020

Winnipeg Human Rights Committee Meeting June 29, 2020

Draft Minutes

Present: Jacqueline Nanali (Acting Chair), Debbie Leaman (Treasurer), Tina Matias-Bouchard (Rep), Deanna Ng (Secretary)

1.Call to order: Jackie: 5:34pm.

2.Land Acknowledgment and PSAC Statement on Harassment: Jackie

3.Round introductions

4.Motion: For Adoption of Agenda: Debbie/Deanna Carried.

5.Motion: For Approval of Meeting Minutes of May 20th, 2020: Debbie/Jackie Carried.

6.Treasurer’s report (Debbie)

  • Request for funds for PRIDE was sent. Alison from PSAC office is looking into it and we are waiting to hear from her.

  • Debbie scanned 2019 financial reports and sent into PSAC office.

  • No access to bank statements, along with the need to finalise our committee, and we depend on signature authority – still old signatures are listed. It may depend on getting another member during summer?

  • Requests for expenses go through PSAC office such as if we are to collect funds or do a drive. – Signatures are needed.

  • Assiniboine Credit Union moved


  • Tina will write a letter for us to sign and get our signatures for the PSAC-HRC bank account.

  • Debbie will call Assiniboine Credit Union where we do banking.

7.By-Election: HRC Chair

  • Since last meeting, the Chair, Jennifer-Chieh Ho, has stepped down from the role.

  • Jackie Nanali will remain as Vice-Chair and Acting Chair until the election of new Chair can be elected

  • We will keep the Chair election as an agenda item until we find one.

  • In the interim, Jackie is Acting Chair.

8.Old Business:

a.Indigenous Webinar Update

  • We are waiting to hear back from Calgary what the next steps are.

  • It is no longer a webinar. Instead Calgary HRC is doing a call out to go to members around June 25 as an update on Signs of Solidarity of Black and Indigenous people.


  • Jackie will follow up and advise our committee once she hears back from Calgary.

b.Pride Parade Update

  • This will be held Mid-September following a countdown on Pride’s website.

  • Nathalie volunteered to be part of Pride.

  • In the event without, Pride, we consider a back-up event, such as a fundraiser for a Pride related organization, discussion with a speaker from Rainbow Resource Centre or another organization.


  • To keep Pride an Agenda item.

  • Debbie will send an email and find updates with Gus, Area Council Chair.

  • Debbie will follow up with Nathalie re work on PRIDE.

  • Debbie will ask PRIDE what their plans are.

9.Round Table

10.Next meeting date: TBA.

·Informal Exec meeting: Early August.

·Formal Committee meeting: End of August – to plan for PRIDE.

11.Adjournment: Debbie: 6:19pm

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