Winnipeg Human Rights Committee Meeting June 29, 2020
Draft Minutes
Present: Jacqueline Nanali (Acting Chair), Debbie Leaman (Treasurer), Tina Matias-Bouchard (Rep), Deanna Ng (Secretary)
1.Call to order: Jackie: 5:34pm.
2.Land Acknowledgment and PSAC Statement on Harassment: Jackie
3.Round introductions
4.Motion: For Adoption of Agenda: Debbie/Deanna Carried.
5.Motion: For Approval of Meeting Minutes of May 20th, 2020: Debbie/Jackie Carried.
6.Treasurer’s report (Debbie)
Request for funds for PRIDE was sent. Alison from PSAC office is looking into it and we are waiting to hear from her.
Debbie scanned 2019 financial reports and sent into PSAC office.
No access to bank statements, along with the need to finalise our committee, and we depend on signature authority – still old signatures are listed. It may depend on getting another member during summer?
Requests for expenses go through PSAC office such as if we are to collect funds or do a drive. – Signatures are needed.
Assiniboine Credit Union moved
Tina will write a letter for us to sign and get our signatures for the PSAC-HRC bank account.
Debbie will call Assiniboine Credit Union where we do banking.
7.By-Election: HRC Chair
Since last meeting, the Chair, Jennifer-Chieh Ho, has stepped down from the role.
Jackie Nanali will remain as Vice-Chair and Acting Chair until the election of new Chair can be elected
We will keep the Chair election as an agenda item until we find one.
In the interim, Jackie is Acting Chair.
8.Old Business:
a.Indigenous Webinar Update
We are waiting to hear back from Calgary what the next steps are.
It is no longer a webinar. Instead Calgary HRC is doing a call out to go to members around June 25 as an update on Signs of Solidarity of Black and Indigenous people.
Jackie will follow up and advise our committee once she hears back from Calgary.
b.Pride Parade Update
This will be held Mid-September following a countdown on Pride’s website.
Nathalie volunteered to be part of Pride.
In the event without, Pride, we consider a back-up event, such as a fundraiser for a Pride related organization, discussion with a speaker from Rainbow Resource Centre or another organization.
To keep Pride an Agenda item.
Debbie will send an email and find updates with Gus, Area Council Chair.
Debbie will follow up with Nathalie re work on PRIDE.
Debbie will ask PRIDE what their plans are.
9.Round Table
10.Next meeting date: TBA.
·Informal Exec meeting: Early August.
·Formal Committee meeting: End of August – to plan for PRIDE.
11.Adjournment: Debbie: 6:19pm