Regina Women's Committee Meeting Minutes - Oct. 28 2020

Regina Area Women’s Committee Meeting - October 28, 2020 at 6:30pm via Zoom

Call to order: 6:35pm

In Attendance: Michelle Lang, Daniella Aubichon, Tanya Campbell, Jessica Bonish, Charito Humphreys, Diane White

Meeting to work on consensus

Approval of agenda: Approved

Mins from previous meeting to be approved at next meeting

Financial report from Daniella: $1636.03. No monies spent. - Approved

Christmas Ideas: Teenage high school hamper program - hampers for teenage moms. Will decide next meeting what they need for donations. List by mid-November for items they are in need of. Done through family services Regina.

Old business: none

New business: none

Round table: none


Next meeting: November 25th at 6:30om via ZOOM.

Adjourn at 6:47pm

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