Winnipeg Area Council - Meeting Minutes - September 14, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.

Winnipeg Area Council Meeting Minutes

Monday September 14, 2020 @ 7:00 PM


Gus, Nestor, Christine, Brett, Faye, Wayne Robillard, Chris Rigaux, Jennifer Cheih-Ho, Jamie Bonner, Craig Adolphe and Tracy Thor – PSAC Rep

  1. Call to order at 7:11pm

  2. Round introductions

  3. Adoption of Agenda moved by Sr. Faye Kingyens, seconded by Br. Nestor Galarnyk. None opposed.

  4. PSAC statement on harassment read by Br. Gus Mardli

  5. Approval of June 17th 2020 minutes moved by Br. Brett Rainboth, seconded by Sr. Faye. None opposed.

  6. Treasurer’s report Sr. Christine Dmyterko
    Current balance $1122.35. No transactions since June 17th as per phone call with Assiniboine Credit Union on September 11th 2020
    Moved by Sr. Christine Dmyterko, Seconded by Sr. Jennifer Cheih Ho. None opposed.

  7. By-Election: WAC Treasurer
    Chair to Tracy Thor for election
    Sr. Jennifer nominated Craig Adolphe, seconded by Br. Gus
    No other nominations, Craig Adolphe becomes Treasurer by

  8. Old Business
    A) Collective Bargaining Update from Br. Nestor
        Ratification votes & webinars on going
    B) Winnipeg Transit & MP Lobby from Br. Nestor
        Lobbying for free transit
        Spoken with City Councillor Debbie Sharma a couple times but currently with COVID most items are on back burner 
        MLA lobbying would be appropriate too
        MP Lobbying important issues such as; Universal Health Care, Pharmaceutical, minimum wage (fight for $15/hour)
        Sr. Jennifer asking WAC to look into planned lobbying
        Sr, Jennifer and Br. Nestor may work together on putting Winnipeg Transit
        Sr. Faye asking for posters to be put up in work places
        Check to see if other organizations (Provincially), reach out if possible
        PSAC National (DND) will be taking lead on National Campaign regarding government contracting out

  9. New Business:
    Siloam Mission Community Outreach
    Looking for participation from various groups for encouragement wall to be put up for clients to see in Siloam Mission
    Question is “What encouragement would you say to a friend during COVID?”
    Winnipeg Human Right’s Committee have discussed volunteering by serving meals, sorting clothing donations, wrapping presents closer to Christmas
    Per Sr. Jennifer “In their September-October volunteer newsletter, Siloam Mission mentioned that they are creating an encouragement wall in the Drop In Centre for their community members.  So they are requesting for a note or message answering this question:  What encouragement would you say to a friend during COVID? So, I would like to invite the committee to join me in sending them a note or message via email, for their encouragement wall.”

  10. Round Table
    Sr. Jennifer: Human Rights Committee will be meeting September 30th, open to equity seeking group.
    Sr. Christine (out going Treasurer) thanks committee and will still be available for volunteering.
    Br. Nestor thanks Sr. Christine for serving as Treasurer
    Sr. Jennifer asking if someone from Winnipeg Area Council can act as representative for WAC at District Labour Council. WAC does not currently pay membership dues. Sr. Tracy Thor will bring up possibility to Sr. Marianne Hladun, indication is thought to be that only Locals can pay dues & attend.
    Sr. Tracy: Last webinars Friday September 25th, voting until 29th. Parks & Canadian Food inspections agencies to start webinars & voting after.
    Sr. Faye: Curious about Remembrance Day Wreath laying will be in-person or virtual?

  11. Next meeting date: Tuesday, November 17th 2020 at 7pm

Adjournment 8:35pm moved by Sr. Jennifer, seconded by Br. B

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