Calgary Area HRC Meeting Minutes - Feb. 26, 2020

• In attendance 
Tabassom Javadi – Chair – UNE
Shanon Hicks – Treasurer – CIU
Kathy Ajram – Secretary – UTE
Scott Gatzke – UTE 
James Huang – CEIU 
Kirsten Strachey – UTE
Jastinder Gill – CEIU
Dolly Ablitt – PSAC Staff (Regional Office) 
Marianne Hladun (REVP Prairies) 
Calgary Area HRC Meeting
February 26, 2020
Meeting called to order @ 6:07 PM
• Agenda
- Agenda modified to include the following: Add committee business and include alternate delegate convention election. 
- Last meeting minutes review and approval: Minutes from last meeting require two changes. Update to attendee James’ last name, as is misspelt. Also an update to the term Convention to include Prairie Regional Triennial Convention. Changes motioned by Shanon Hicks, seconded by Kathy Ajram. 
• Report from Chair, Treasurer, Secretary 
Chair – After introductions by all attendees, the Chair of the committee went over the year’s accomplishments. Since the last AGM, on March 28, 2018, the HRC had 5 meetings, 4 in 2019 and 1 in 2020. In 2019, HRC held two events, Orange Shirt Day in September and Human Rights Day in December. For Orange Shirt Day, the committee held an event at the Harry Hays Building in the morning and at YYC in the afternoon. We served bannock prepared by Kokom’s Bannock Kitchen, in support of Indigenous entrepreneurship. There was also a display, educational information, and some swag provided by PSAC. The important thing is that we reached out to the members and many learned about a day they weren’t familiar with in an important part of reconciliation. The budget was $1200. 
For Human Rights Day, we had a speaker from RESET, a non profit organization, providing client driven support for women aged 14 and above who have been exploited in the area of sex trafficking. We watched a video about trafficking in Canada and made a $100 donation to RESET. The leftover food from the event was donated to the Calgary Women’s Centre.
Last meeting we nominated Shanon Hicks as delegate for HRC convention and we submitted a Resolution pertaining to human rights and our members, which was submitted before the deadline. 
Treasurer - At the beginning of 2019, the balance of the committees account was $2408.66. As of December 31, 2019, the account balance was $413.76. The two events held at Harry Hays and the Airport for Orange Shirt Day totals $1248.17, the Human Rights Day on Dec 10 $406.33 total. We are currently at a balance of $353.53 not including the bank fees that went through this month. 
Secretary – All minutes are completed and up to date. All necessary corrections have been posted to the website and we will continue to do so from here on in. 
Marianne – budget request and financial reporting package is due March 15th, all forms and financial statements must be submitted. Finance committee will be meeting at the end of March. Marianne stated she does not want committees waiting for money, but with convention and strike votes, if the packages aren’t received by the timeframe requested, then funds may not be distributed until after Prairie Regional Triennial Convention in June. If the packages are not complete, then the package may also not be considered. The committees are showing a lot of progress. We need to get out and do something. This is where the PSAC wants to go – working better together and within the community. The HRC is often termed not political – but if you look at what drives human rights issues, it is politics. The level of racism – there is work that can be done around that. Speakers are fine, but what are we doing with the information? How do we go out and make a difference? When working on our budget, we need to look at things that will make a difference in our community. Would much rather see the committee pick two or three things in a year and do them really well – between now and June, people will be inundated with work, but what can we do to try and reach out to the community? There is a lot that we can do here and the PSAC is open to it. As we are coming up with a plan, think about tackling an issue. If you send a plan with that intent, they will do what they can make something work. We have to know what is guiding us to do this work. 3 goals at the psac are work better together, getting members more engaged, and being more politically engaged. Going to see your member of parliament or legislative assembly are things that were fought for at the union table and we won that right 25 years ago. 
• Committee Business
Last time everyone took on an assignment regarding a specific event that they would be involved in
Orange Shirt Day – did it this year but need to reach out to more members - bigger event this year. Proposing a budget of $2000, two people would need the day to complete the event. There was interest in it and personally thinks that the members need to learn about this event. 
Human Rights Day – Bear Clan Patrol – new to Calgary. Look at homeless people, supply backpacks. Outreach to help people who are truly struggling. They request volunteers every Friday night and thought that we could reach out to locals and get supplies to people who really need them. Was going to suggest a budget of $500 plus donations from the locals. The funds would be proposing to purchase some of the items that they need, such as backpacks or supplies. 
Breakdown for the costs associated should be provided for each event. 
Asian Heritage Month – plant project. We know that the highest levels of poverty in Canada include immigrants. We would be looking at providing plants with vegetables or sorts to help with the rising cost of market produce. In the process, we would talk to those that we would be communication with and see what their struggles have been with the immigration process and life in Canada – is it with immigration policy, are they experiencing racism, etc. 
Globalfest – timeframe has already elapsed for 2020. Something to be on the lookout for future years – the social justice fund was a big part of this event in the past. They donated part of the funding and then the rest was the committee. The money has been reallocated elsewhere as this was not on anyone’s planned events. If interest is there next year, Globalfest will be something we will look in to. 
Pride – trailer rental costs haven’t been looked in to yet. The cost listed on the Calgary Pride website for union involvement depends on how involved we will be. Walking fees for unions are listed as $250, whereas a vehicle is $500. To add to that, we would need to have the vehicle rented and decorations. Scott will continue to look in to this, as there is no deadline posted on the website or the application form at this time. 
Fairy tale theatres - $50 donation to be listed as a sponsor of the event due by March 1st, 2020. Marianne stated that her office will make the donation. Scott indicated that he will continue to try to find more information on what type of help the operation is looking for and how we can volunteer. 
Black History Month – Ade did not attend this meeting, however, we will continue to incorporate his request in to our plan for 2021 to include a presentation for Black History Month next February. 
• Elections – 3 positions are up for election: Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. 
Dolly opened the position for Chair.  Scott Gatzke nominated Kathy Ajram as Chair. Nomination seconded by Shanon Hicks. Kathy Ajram nominated Shanon Hicks as Secretary. Nomination seconded by James Huang. Kathy Ajram nomination James Huang as Treasurer. Nomination seconded by Shanon Hicks. 
Alternate delegate election – Kathy Ajram nominated Scott Gatzke, seconded by Shanon Hicks. James Huang nominated Kathy Ajram, and Shanon Hicks. James withdrew his nomination and Scott accepted. 2nd alternate election began and James was nominated by Kathy Ajram and seconded by Kirsten Strachey. 
Passed back to Tabassom. Round Table – congratulations to everyone for the work completed this year and for the work of the future. 
7:14 PM - Meeting adjourned. 
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