Edmonton Area Council - General Meeting Minutes - December 18, 2020

Public Service Alliance of Canada

Edmonton Area Council 

General Meeting

December 18, 2020 @ 6:00 PM

Virtual via Skype


In attendance:

Darlene Lewis                       Vice Chair

Sabino Spagnudo                 Treasurer

Corie McGaughey

Heiko Boychuk

Imran Barlas

Dragana Ristivojevich          PSAC EAC Regional Rep

Oneil Carlier                         PSAC Rep



Freada Vamvounis-Clarke



Marianne Hladun REVP PSAC Prairies



Chair of Meeting and Record taking for the minutes was Darlene Lewis.


Call to Order:  5:36 pm by Darlene Lewis


Darlene welcomed everyone to the meeting and did the Land Acknowledge recognizing that we are on Treaty 6.


Approval of the Agenda:


Agenda approved by consensus with an addition

                M/S/C  Sabino/Dragana/carried


Approval of July 22, 2020 Minutes:


Motion to approve the July 22, 2020 Minutes.   The correction of Sabino’s name along with adding “Treasurer” next to his name.   Minutes adopted by Consensus.


Old Business:


Darlene as Vice Chair; wanted to acknowledge that the committee unfortunately had no activities to report this year.  She apologized that she wasn’t given any direction that she would now be responsible in chairing this committee.  She did hold a meeting in July, 2020 to hold a food drive on the long weekend of September, 2020.  This proposed scheduled event took a backseat as Sister Darlene was heavily involved with the Collective Bargaining.   Sister Darlene stated that as a committee our focus should be on political action plan in 2021.


Sabino stated that this committee never had a bank account since March, 2018.  A bank account for this committee has now been successfully opened where we currently have $1.00 as the opening balance.  However, we are not receiving any monthly statements.  There were no expenses to report. 


Brother Sabino stated he would like to add a budget line for lobbying in our Budget, 2021.  More education is required for our members to learn how to lobby as he believes that lobbying is one of our biggest issues.  Focus should be on political action against the major cuts and worker’s rights for the Province of Alberta.


Dragana:    City elections are coming up in the Fall, 2021.  Due to COVID, homelessness is becoming a big issue and if the Labour Day Barbecue held in September is allowed; we would then see the numbers.  She would like to see all three committees working together.  We need to be out there along with AUPE and other unions.


Corie:  Agrees that if we connect with the other committees, we are more likely to get things done.  We can virtually become connected.  We should focus on areas that need to be and do it


With virtual connection getting things done.   We do not need to all be in the same room to get things done.  It is a team effort, let’s pick an area to focus on and do it together.


Marianne:  She warned us that we can easily be over ambitious and that we should pick two items that we could concentrate on. Although Alberta does not have any members who fall under the provincial employment standards, we need to be out their supporting AUPE.  We also need to be in the communities, and making connections through social media.  The Liberals could force a spring Federal election. 


The PRC Council did a new regulation which mandates the REVP to have meet with different groups (Area Councils, Prairie Council Reps and Geographical Reps, Human Rights, Women’s Committee and Heath and Safety Committees).  Joint project for all 3 regions.  We could hold a webinar on Alberta issues with two of our Vice Presidents - Krysty Munns and Kirsten Strachey who are both affiliated with AFL.  Or possibly having  Gil McGowan as guest speaker at an EAC meeting.


Committee also reviewed their year end package for 2019 and what was need to be in good standing.


Round Table:


Sabino:   Engage our membership in virtual rallies, lobbying in political actions that are in line with PSAC Nationally.


Corie:   Suggested to tap into some of those formalities now more then ever, ice breakers at the beginning, engage our newcomer; ask how did you here about the Area Council, or what brought you out.   Do not just say does anyone have something to say, rather go down the list or in the case now virtual so go by the names you see on the screen. Team building pieces, garner people’s points.


Imran Saw the invite on Facebook page, first time to union activities, so thank you.


Heiko:   First time from with UCTE local voted in as VP in November, thanked all for the positivism and connection.


Dragana:  Questioned how can she get a PSAC sign.  Oneil directed her to contact her local union president.


Next Meeting date will be our AGM, date TBD in January or February.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:48 pm


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