Calgary Regional Women’s Committee Meeting Minutes. January 18, 2021
In Attendance: Jennifer Jurca, UCTE 30318 Hazel Buchanan, USJE 70125 Marianne Hladun, PSAC Regional Representative Kirsten Strachey UTE30024 Alin Ibrahim UHEW 30704 Josie Halbach UTE 30024 Regrets – Deb Kosteniuk, Dolly Ablitt
The Meeting called to order at 6:07 p.m.
1._Introductions /Greetings - Roundtable
2. Agenda: Reviewed and accepted moved by Jenn and seconded by Alin
3. Minutes: Copy of Minutes from previous meeting, December 7, 2020 needs Alin’s name corrected throughout the minutes. Hazel advises that the names will be corrected in those minutes and then posted. As no further corrections, Hazel moves to adopt the minutes with advised changes – all in favor
4. Financial Report:
• Our bank balance at the end of Nov, (our last statement) was $767.66. December copy not received yet.
• Our anticipated bank balance for the end of December is $275.17. This is after the deduction of our donation cheques to Awo Taan and the Women’s Centre for $200 each.
Jenn advised that she is working on the Financial Report from 2020 and the budget for 2021. Our report is due by the end of March, so should be completed and ready for approval by our next meeting.
5. Old Business:
a) Previously Outstanding cheques:
• A cheque was made out to Dolly Ablitt for $60.04 to cover what we owed her for meeting food, when the funds had not cleared the account and her cheque came back NSF.
• Jenn spoke to Deb and Kirsten about the $132 money owed for Bear Witness Day, but learned that Deb had covered this expense in her PRC role. This cheque has been voided.
• There was a cheque for $30.50 written to Jenn for outstanding money owed from meeting food. It turns out that this was an error and Jenn apologized as the expense had been previously reimbursed. Jenn will repay this amount to the committee.
• Jenn has receipts for reimbursement for parking and postage from 2019 and 2020 that she will submit separate from the refund for the $30.50.
b) Housekeeping items to keep our committee in good standing:
• Jenn has been working through the list of items identified for correction by Marianne which includes reviewing the minutes n the website. Jenn has reviewed all of the minutes on the website that show as Draft status, and comparing them to our approved versions
c) Child Care Update – Kirsten provided an update on new branding of AFL “Childcare Now“ initiative and a new link from the organization will be shared as soon as available
d) Conventions and Conferences:
• Prairie Region Convention – Now set for Jun 25-27, 2021. We had elected Alin Ibrahim as our delegate and Hazel Buchanan as our first Alternate and Cindy Wong as our second alternate.
• National Women’s Conference – Now set for September 24-26, 2021. We had elected Kirsten Strachey as our delegate, and Darlene Campbell as our alternate.
6. Planned Activities:
a) Paint Night – Jenn is going to see if we can move to Monday Feb 22, 6pm. Paint Night with MJ Stead via Zoom. This event is open to all as a Membership Drive. Plan is to paint card with Love & Hope themes and then to distribute them to the local community. Jenn suggested we invite co-workers. Kirsten liked the idea of distributing to local nursing homes, food banks, etc. RSVP by Friday, February 12, 2021. Cost is $120 to the committee for the hosted artist zoom session. Each person will need supplies in advance. Jenn asked if participants should submit receipts for reimbursement. Marianne advised that project would need to be submitted for approval and suggested event be push back to plan supplies and reimbursement. “Hope Springs Eternal!” Josie will produce a poster for the invite.
b) International Women’s Day March 8, 2021, 6 – 8pm – Virtual Event via Zoom evening with invited PSAC members celebrating unusual jobs held by women. Kirsten has a list of questions to make each speaker’s 10 minute allotted time easier to plan. Example – “What are the unique challenges women face in these jobs?” Theme will be - “Celebrating Sisters”. Jenn and Kirsten will continue to work on this project and provide updates. Josie advised that she might have contacts concerning speakers on Black Lives Matter.
c) Clothing Drive – to benefit Awo Taan Healing Lodge – aiming for May and Hazel will provide more information at the next meeting.
7. New Business:
a) Housekeeping re: posting minutes to the website. Process will now include going back to Tom to change the website to “approve minutes.” Marianne advised that the administrative assistants prefer an updated version be provided to them. Secretary will include past months approved minutes with the send out of the current month’s draft minutes with a line in the email that the approved minutes may be uploaded to the website.
b) AGM Elections – Marianne conducted the elections:
- Chair – call for nominations (none came forward). After discussions, the Committee decided to elect co-chairs.
1st co-chair - Jenn nominates Josie Halbach. Seconded by Kirsten, Josie accepts.
2nd co-chair - Josie nominates Kirsten Strachey. Seconded by Jenn, Kirsten accepts.
Secretary – Call for nominations. Hazel was nominated by Jenn. Seconded by Josie. Hazel accepts
Treasurer – Call for nominations. Alin was nominated by Jenn. Seconded by Hazel Alin accepts.
Jenn will update website with new executive and find out from the TD bank what is required to amend signing authority. Oaths of office were conducted by Marianne and the new Executive.
c) Prairie Regional Women’s Committee Executive meeting – Tuesday January 19, 2021 via ZOOM
Marianne invited the members to attend this information sharing and networking event.
8. Next meeting – set date/time
February 8, 2021 6pm
9. Roundtable:
Nothing further
Adjourned at 7:59pm