Calgary Regional Women’s Committee Approved Meeting Minutes. March 02, 2020

Calgary Regional Women’s Committee Approved Meeting Minutes. March 02, 2020


In Attendance:

Cindy Wong, CEIU 30856,

Kirsten Strachey, UTE 30024

Deb Kosteniuk, UTE 30024

Tabassom Javadi Doudarani, UNE 30040

Jennifer Jurca, UCTE 30318 (recorder)


Dolly Ablitt, PSAC Regional Representative



Aly Scherer-Boulter, UNE 30186

Karen Knull, CEIU 30858



The Meeting was called to order at 6:04 p.m.


1. Agenda: Reviewed and amended to include discussion of minutes: then accepted by consensus.


2. Minutes: from previous meeting, Feb 3, 2020. Jenn moved to approve the minutes with the correction to the spelling of Shanon’s name. Cindy seconded. All in favour.


3. Old Business:

Dolly spoke about the Phoenix rally at Harry Hayes last week. This was attended by about 150 people, and went well.

We ordered 12 dozen cupcakes and 2 large carafes of Tim Horton’s hot chocolate, and were only left with 2 cupcakes and a few cups of hot chocolate, so it worked out nicely.



4. New Business:


a) IWD: March 8 – From 11:30-1:30 on Saturday at the Women’s Centre.

“Equal for Each” (Gender Equity) is this year’s theme. – Our very own Sister Kirsten Strachey will be speaking!


We have ordered platters of meat, cheese, vegetables and fruit to bring, which will come to $556.64 +tax. Teresa will bring the platters to the Women’s Centre on Saturday. We need to bring a cheque payable to April Albrecht to pay for these platters, with the amount to be filled in on the day, once we receive the receipt.

Deb has purchased and will donate 5 pashminas at $35 each to donate as door prizes, which she will pair with jewellery valued at $15. (For a total value of $250)

We have budgeted $300 for prizes. We plan to spend this on Gift Cards (20 x $10, 2 x $50). Deb to pick them up (RWC to write her an advance cheque to enable this)


The community kitchen will bring chilli, we are asked to bring banana bread or dainties, etc. PSAC still has some swag that can be donated.  We also allocated an additional $100 as emergency funds in case of food running out.


b) Financial Statement:


Includes commitments for:

  • Sisters in Spirit event with Awo Ta’an
  • International Women’s Day at the Calgary Women’s Centre
  • Bear Witness Event at Harry Hayes


Tabassom still needs to complete her review of the books to make sure that all recent small cheques have been documented and included. Tabassom will then get the financial information to Deb.

Tabassom deposited our 2019 budget allocation cheque for the amount of $1700. There was one outstanding cheque, #217, for the amount of $13.50 which was cashed in 2020. Our balance was $108.06 on Dec 31.


c) Info from Regional Rep, Dolly Ablitt

Delegate registration was due Feb 28 for PSAC Prairies Triennial Convention, and the RWC did not submit the application for their delegate yet. Jenn to send an email to the delegates to remind them to register.


Dolly advised everyone to check with their locals to see that everyone received their delegate packages for the conference as many were missing.


There is a lot going on and it’s all related to Strike Training and Strike votes.


March 18 will be the first voting date for this area. Voting will continue until May 7 with results released on May 8. Chris and Marianne will be there at the first sessions. Leadership is making a big effort to get out to all of the major centres, so that members can hear from the Union Executives. Voting will occur after the presentations have occurred. Members must attend a session in order to vote.


Lindsey Sparks will be starting as the new rep in the Calgary Regional Office on March 16.


Regional Women’s conference is coming up. We had 182 women apply from the Prairies, but we haven’t officially heard which 8 or 9 were chosen. Kirsten, Deb and Tabassom are all going. We also know that Sherry Hunt is going.


Dolly asked that if anyone knows someone who was affected by Phoenix who would be willing to speak to the media, to have them contact her.


Next meeting is AGM on March 23 at 6pm. Deb to book the boardroom.


Adjourned at 6:49

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