Regina Women's Committee Meeting Minutes - January 20, 2021

Regina Women’s Committee

January 20th,2021

Present: Michelle Lang, Daniela Aubichon, Tanya Campbell, Jessica Bonish, Mandi Wilkinson, Diane White PSAC Regional Rep.

Meeting Called to Order at 18:37

Reading of Harassment Statement by Michelle Lang.

Reading of the Land Acknowledgement read by Michelle Lang.

Roll Call

Approval of Agenda Jessica/ Daniela

Approval of last meetings Minutes Daniela/ Jessica

Financial Report: Last financial Statement received was ending November 30, 2020 and we had $1636.03 in the Bank. I know we wrote a cheque to Michelle Lang for $300 to cover our Christmas Donation.  Our Balance should be $1336.03 since we don’t incur Banking Fees. Daniela/ Tanya

Old Business: Bought $300 Dollar gift card from Superstore. The Organization for Young Mothers at the Shirley Schneider Centre.

New Business:

Diane White:

Webinar Feb 3rd regarding changes Covering Violence in the Workplace for Federal Employees. It covers the definition of violence, training that must be offered to all Employees, the investigative processes and the reporting processes. If you are on a worksite federally, OHS and Executive it’s a good course to take.  Effective Resolution Writing workshop is offered which comes in Handy since it’s Convention year. It is on Feb 2nd members can register through the PSAC Website. Secret 3K run/walk will be held during the week of International Women's

The stop Privatization Campaign is still going on too

The Secret 3K run/walk will be held during the Week of international Women’s Day, this race celebrates our right to be free to run. We’re inviting everyone to come together in solidarity supporting the right all humans should have to walk or run free of fear in their community.

AGM Meeting: Feb 18,2021 at 18:00.


Adjourned Meeting at 18:49

Our Organization: