Winnipeg Area Council - Meeting Minutes - February 17, 2021


Winnipeg Area Council Meeting Minutes
Wednesday February 17, 2020 @ 7:00 PM

Attendees: Gus Mardli, Craig Adolphe, Brett Rainboth, Yvonne Hein, Katie Dover, Carl Gohl, Jennifer Chieh Ho, Chris Rigaux, Tracy Thor (PSAC Rep), Kirk MacIntosh, Nestor Galarnyk

Regrets: Debbie Leaman


1. Call to order at 7:04pm

2. Round introductions

3. Adoption of Agenda, moved by Br. Carl Gohl, seconded by Sr. Jennifer Chieh Ho. None opposed.

4. PSAC Statement on Harassment, read by Sr. Jennifer and Sr. Tracy Thor will be anti-harassment co-ordinator.

5. Nov. 17, 2020 minutes moved with correction by Br. Brett Rainboth, seconded by Br. Gus Mardli. None opposed.

6. Election: WAC Delegate to the Prairies Triennial Convention, chair to Sr. Tracy Thor

  • Sr. Yvonne Hein nominated by Br. Gus Mardli, seconded by Br. Carl.

  • Br. Chris Rigaux, nominated by Sr. Jennifer, seconded by Br. Brett

Both Sr. Yvonne and Br. Chris let their names stand, Br. Gus spoke on behalf of Sr. Yvonne, Br. Chris spoke on his own behalf

  • Br. Chris Rigaux is elected WAC delegate by majority vote

Election for Alternate WAC Delegate

  • Sr. Yvonne Hein, nominated by Br. Craig Adolphe, seconded by Br. Nestor Galarnyk

  • Sr. Yvonne elected Alternate Delegate, no other nominations.

7. MB PC Party: Stop de-funding public services (Jennifer Chieh Ho)

  • Winnipeg Human Rights Committee launched a campaign mailing in “broken heart” cards to Premier office to display support amongst unionized worker.

  • Sr. Jennifer moves for WAC to support campaign by signing off on an additional card to be sent off to Premier’s office, to “Stop de-funding public health service”, Br. Chris seconds. None opposed.

  • Sr. Jennifer moves for WAC to sign a card thanking MLA Uzoma Asagwara and MP Leah Gazen for their support, seconded Sr. Katie Dover. None opposed.

Sr. Jennifer Chieh Ho presented - Human Rights committee action item, March 7th

  • Asking for WAC and other members to join and stand outside Legislature with signs examples provided; “Funding,” “Affordable childcare,” “We love our Seniors,” “Affordable housing,” “Support Diversity and Inclusion now” also possibly signs supporting International Women’s Day.

  • Numbers depending on COVID restrictions.

  • Br. Carl suggests rotating members through if there are number restrictions, also allows for other members to deliver other messages.

8. Round Table

  • AGM – Br. Gus stated Sr. Tracy trying to get Kevin Rebeck to talk about Bill 16, no response yet.

  • Br. Nestor - Treasury Board has brought a mandate to discuss and negotiate our health care plan.

  • Br. Nestor – Winnipeg Transit: Point Douglas city councillor Vivian Santos, brought forth possible transit subsidy later in 2021. Nestor has draft email to be sent to Chair of Winnipeg Public Works department and Brian Bowman on behalf of WAC, WHRC and PSAC. Draft email read at meeting by Sr. Jennifer. Sr. Yvonne stated there is a transit survey available online currently.

9. Next meeting dates – AGM March 3rd at 7pm, virtual

10. Adjournment at 8:23pm, moved by Br. Carl, seconded by Sr. Jennifer. None opposed.


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