Prince Albert Area Council - Meeting Minutes - March 4, 2021

Prince Albert and District Area Council

Annual General Meeting

March 4, 2021, 7:00 pm – via Skype/Teleconference


Sherry Dearing                       Louise Mardell                        Joyce Romanchuk                  

Kim Kelly                                Dawn Montgrand                  Christina Creusot

Shauna Ward

Treaty Acknowledgement

Statement of Harassment

Agenda – Motion Christina,  2nd by Sherry

Review of Previous Minutes – The Minutes of February17, 2021 were reviewed. Adopted by Sherry, 2nd by Kim 

Business arising from previous Minutes – no new business

Financial Statement   - Sherry presented the financial statement. Balance on January 1, 2020 was $967.14. There was no revenue and no expenses for 2020 (COVID). The closing balance on December 31, 2020 was $967.14. Adopted by Kim, 2nd by Christina

Year End Submission – The package is done, and ready to be sent to Christina for review. Once Christina has reviewed the package, she will forward it on to Marianne. Adopted by Kim, 2nd by Joyce.

Executive Elections – all positions are up for election.

  • President – Joyce Romanchuk – nominated by Sherry, 2nd by Kim. Joyce accepted the nomination
  • Vice President – Christina Creusot – nominated by Sherry, 2nd by Joyce. Christina accepted the nomination
  • Treasurer – Sherry Dearing – nominated by Joyce, 2nd by Kim. Sherry accepted the nomination
  • Secretary – Kim Kelly – nominated by Sherry, 2nd by Joyce. Kim accepted the nomination.
  • PRC Representative Alternate – Kim was nominated by Joyce, 2nd by Sherry.  Kim will be the second alternate, as Joyce will remain as 1st alternate (as per February 2021 meeting)

All nominations were called three times. No new nominations were presented.  All positions accepted and acclaimed. The oath was taken by all parties. Louise will send the form electronically, indicating the oath was taken by each party nominated and acclaimed.  Please print off the form, sign it and return it to Louise. Or, you can state in the email that you agree to virtually sign the form (if no printer/scanner is available).

National PSAC Negotiator – n/a (no one available)

Round Table

  • Louise advised of the TUB Course which was held virtually, and the next workshop coming up next week is Understanding Your Collective Agreement - there are still a few spots available for this course. If interested apply on line or call the PSAC office.
  • PSAC and CRA are communicating with one another, rather than going through the Treasury Board regarding the pay for Phoenix damages and being taxed. If anyone has any questions about it you can contact Louise.
  • Christina met with the PRC on Friday and Saturday and they are going through some of the resolutions that were received, to prep for the upcoming convention.
  • The benefit package is not negotiated at the bargaining table, it is a separate negotiations.  Louise will check with Marianne for updates.

Next Meeting Date – May 19, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. via teleconference

Adjournment – Meeting was adjourned at 7:44 p.m.

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