Communication Committee Report (December 2020)

On November 30, 2020, the communication committee meet. 

We talked about the survey that will be sent out to all member. 

This survey will be about how members wish to be communicated to. 

A mail out leaflet has been sent out to Members in Manitoba and Alberta talking about issue facing members in their respected province.

 Saskatchewan had similar leaflet was sent out to members in Saskatchewan around time of provincial election. 

A leaflet for member in Saskatchewan is being developed. All leaflets will contain a QR code to connect to the survey. 

Another thing we talked about was the Prairie Voice Awards. It is with the recommendation of the committee to change the name of the “Building Futures Award” 

To become the Sheilagh Hanson Building Futures Award. 

We felt the reason this award is awarded spoke loudly about what Sheilagh stood for.

(This award is awarded to a member who mentors others in their workplace or union. Someone with a kind heart that recognises the value of mentorship and invest time into success of others. Someone who teaches, encourages, and guides others in their development and involvement.)

Once approved by this body we would also ask the REVP office to inform her family on this decision.

The Communication Committee is made up by the following: Pennie Young, Alanna Makinson, Glenn Hollyoake and Tim Hubick

Submitted in solidarity 
Chair Tim Hubick



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