Edmonton RWC Mtg Minutes (Sept 22 2010)

Regional Women's Committee

September 22, 2010


Darlene Lewis, Chair

Bonnie Lo, Treasurer

Tanya Galenzoski, PRC RWC Rep.

Nancy Johnson, PRC N/SASK Rep.

Carm Chan, PSAC Reg. Rep.


Sutata Menon 

Nina Kiviluoma 

Christine Burdett 

Maria Do Rosario 

Jo Chelick 

Elaine Alt 


Call to Order: 5:45 p.m.

13.0 Adoption of Agenda: agenda adopted

13.1 Approval of previous minutes: May 19th minutes approved

13.2 Treasurer' Report - Bonnie Lo

Bank balance is $4535.00. Recd 1200.00 from PSAC National.

Tools for Schools donation: $925.00 breakdown as follows:

UNDE Local 30905 - $500.00

CEIU Local 30851- $200.00

UEW 50135 - $100.00

UEW 30703 - $25.00

USGE 30010 - $100.00

13.3 Tools for Schools 2010:

Darlene will be speaking with Janice Bell, Communications Consultant with Edmonton Public Schools to discuss what specific items the schools need. (email attached from Janice Bell). There is a donation from NHU Local 30016 forth coming and Dave Burchell, EAC chair will be discussing this at their next meeting to see if the committee will agree to make a donation to Tools for Schools.

13.4 Women’s Workshop Dec.6 th

Darlene said that Tamara was arranging a celebration for Canada Place with guest speakers. Darlene will followup with Tamara to see what has been finalized. The committee will also be hosting a Saturday morning (proposed dates: 1 choice: Nov. 27 th , 2 nd Dec. 4 th , 3rd Nov. 20th ) workshop on pensions for female members on a Saturday morning. In the afternoon they will have a fun event (belly or zumba dancing). Child care will be provided on site for the morning session and the after session the kids can join in with the Mom’s for some fun.

Bonnie will be responsible for arranging child care and the belly/zumba dancing instructor.

Darlene will be responsible for arranging a location.

Carm will be responsible for getting someone to speak on pensions.

13.5 November 11 – Remembrance Day

Darlene would like to know if the EAC and HR committees will be presenting a wreath at the Butterdome or will one be presented on behalf of all three committees. Carm agreed to send an email to the committees chairs to see what their committee’s plans are and if there are any volunteers to present the wreath on Nov. 11th .

13.5 Round Table

Bonnie: HR committee is doing a Literacy Campaign. RWC agreed to donate $50 towards the purchase of books, also anyone with slightly usedbooks and would like to donate can bring them to the RO. HR committee also looking for volunteers to work a dinner on Dec.7 th . Bonnie volunteered to help, anyone else interested please contact Cherylyn or the RO. The committee also agreed to buy/donate 10 gifts valued at $10.00 each. Asked if the committee was doing anything for National Children’s day – Nov. 20, 2010. There is a basket of donations from last year that they need to distribute. The committee agreed that at the Women’s workshop they would ask members to bring a donation to fill baskets for this years National Children’s Day as the workshop could be held on Nov. 20. The committee will be challenging the EAC & HR committees for donating something from the list of need or cash donations.

Adjournment: 6:45 

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