January 14, 2009
In Attendance
Chair: Dave Burchell
Vice Chair: Mary Veilleux
RWC Vice Chair: Robyn Jones
HRC Chair: Cherylyn Shewchuk
HRC Vice Chair: Deborah Foster
RWC Treasurer: Bonnie Lo
PRC PWD: Frank Lloyd
Leanne Key, USGE 30150
Elaine Alt, EAC Treasurer (via teleconf.)
Darlene Lewis, RWC Chair (via teleconf.)
Timothy Hunt, PRC Rep – GLBT (via teleconf.)
Matthew LeDrew
Jo Chelick
Nina Kiviluoma
Called to order at 6:oo pm by Dave Burchell, EAC Chair.
***Brother Timothy Hunt was to make a presentation via conference call at 6 pm as the Prairie Region Council, GLBT Rep.
Timothy introduced himself to the members in attendance and a round table was done. Timothy would like to accomplish the following as the (GLBT) Rep to raise awareness over the next 3 years
· More attention to Pride parades in prairie region (6 including Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert and Winnipeg). Most parades are in June, however exact dates not yet confirmed. Timothy would like to connect with anyone wanting to be involved in GLBT issues by email or phone. Timothy’s contact info can be found on the PSAC Regional website under the Prairie Region Council.
· To bring attention in May to homophobia in the workplace
· To bring attention to World Aids Day, December 10
Challenge sent out to find all union bulletin boards in Calgary; need to find out who is the representative for each Local. Same challenge to be sent to find the bulletin boards for Edmonton. Frank volunteered to be Edmonton Garrison contact for locating of bulletin boards. Mary expressed concern that information passed down to representatives may not be disseminated tmembers. Discussion on plant gate on GLBT issues at major worksites sovolunteers can be recruited.
Discussion on how to put pressure on Local Presidents to ensure information is being passed down to members. Possible methods include bringing Timothy to Edmonton; having members of Human Rights committees to join AGMs to make sure information is being communicated. Cherylyn is to communicate with Timothy to coordinate; distribution of trifold PDF pamphlet.
Discussion on funding for observers to PSAC convention. Suggestion by Mary to request an Observer attend from PRC and that Timothy may attend.
Also suggestion for Timothy who is attending Prairie Region Council March 11 – 14 in Winnipeg to present GLBT project. To be discussed at next meeting.
Timothy was thanked for making presentation.
Adoption of Agenda Dave/Deborah carried
Previous Minutes – December 10, 2008: Deborah/Dave carried
Mayweek Presentation: Elaine Alt advised a new chairperson is required from Edmonton District Labour Council for committee. REVP Robyn Benson has been contacted regarding a donation to advertise in the May week flyer. Further report and information will be provided in February. Copy of flyer is to be provided at planning session on January 21.2009.
Think Public Campaign: Campaign is tasked to Dave/Chair EAC Refer to January 21 st meeting for campaign ideas: letters, contests, and any new ideas that may come forward. Particiation of all members encouraged. Mary stated some members may be interested in community projects that are not currently attending regional committee meetings. Discussion and approval for the businesses case to Sr Benson for the promotional items (decals & stickers) to fund the “Think Public Campaign”. Consensus to follow through. Think Public vests will also be a consideration, Mary to do costing.
Tools for Schools: Due to Nina not in attendance, agenda item was deferred to January 21 planning session. Mary suggested we be proactive with campaign and it was agreed that EAC will spearhead with a subcommittee to assist. Frank suggested that a request go out to Locals looking for volunteers. Mary recommended an earlier start date. Locals to be contacted for donations as well the CFL (Eskimos) and other professional sport teams to be involved, similar to Winnipeg’s initiative. Suggested to plan a sub committee for 2010 as 2009 is running out. Thank –you cards from the schools will be framed and placed in the workplace to bring awareness to our campaign.
Reports: None
New Business:
Frank stated that new signing authority needs to be completed. Anyone with books or materials for Edmonton Area Council is to bring to January 21 planning session. Mary asks that if someone is unable to attend a meeting to please contact Chairperson of their committee.
Dave Burchell, Edmonton Area Council:
Darlene Lewis, Regional Womens Committee:
Cherylyn Shewchuk, Human Rights Committee:
Humans Rights Chair:
Moving forward, conference will be held February 27-28 at Crown Plaza Hotel, Deborah Foster will attend from HRC. Contact AFL if interested in attending
Darlene: International Women’s Day March 8 th . We should do something for this in the planning session. Contact Nina or Carm Chan for ideas or go online. Suggestions of a booth at Canada Place.
Deferred to planning session to discuss as March 8 th falls on a Sunday
Robyn: commented on the recent arrest of Winston Blackwell of the Bountiful Community in BC (polygamy) as it pertains to Women’s Rights issues.
Dave: suggested to think about a float for the Capital X Parade and Pride Parades
Deferred to planning session
Mary: would like to see committees purchase a 4 drawer legal locking cabinet to store books and campaign materials, cost is approx $325.00 divided by 3 committees.
Dave: Alberta Government has used and Dave and Frank to secure one at cost of approx $40.00.
Leanne-Bonnie-Deborah: had no comments
Mary: we have purchased 12 tickets for United Way Labour Appreciation to be held on April 18, 2009 at the Shaw Conference Center. Dave, Frank, Robyn, Cherylyln, Bonnie, Mary and Leanne wish to be considered to attend.
Mary made motion to put $100.00 towards door prize for the event (suggested retailer 10,000 Villages). Also thermoses from the regional committees
Motion withdrawn - deferred to February meeting
Judy Shannon REO has asked to see 3 committees to be involved in the Prairie Union School. Each committee asked to do presentation on the function of committee.
Darlene: National Children’s Day: suggest a baby shower to provide necessities to a homeless mother.
Motion to adjourn: Dave/Frank carried by consensus .