Lethbridge AC Mtg Minutes (Oct 6 2009)

                                         Minutes of the Executive Meeting of the

Lethbridge and District Area Council

October 6, 2009


Executive:    present

 Called to order:  1715 hours


  1. Annual general meeting
  2. From our by-law, the AGMis to be schedule in October.  The AGMis set for October 22, 2009 at 1800 hours in the Lethbridge and District Labour Council hall in the Palliser Building at 3305 18 Avenue North.  We will be asking Raj Hari to be our guest speaker, to speak on the topic of Defending Quality Public Service. Food and beverage will be provided.


  1. Federal Election Mobilization
  2. David handed out the minutes from the PRC September 23, 2009 Conference call for the federal election.  It was decided that the Lethbridge Area Council will mobilize in four key areas:
  3. The executive will attend as many public forums as possible to ask questions on the PSAC issues and will encourage other PSAC members through their locals to do the same.  Thus, bring our issues to the forefront.
  4. We will mail out a questionnaire to all the candidates about the PSAC issues.  We would limit the question no more the six. These answers and with a reminder to vote as it is our civic duty, will be mail out to the PSAC members in the Lethbridge and District Area Council area about two weeks before the vote.
  5. We will encourage PSAC members to talk to 10 people about Defending Quality Public Service and ask those people to defend the public service.
  6. Any campaign hangers (i.e. like those we received this year over human rights) are fliers, we will ask our PSAC members to place them in 10 mail boxes around their neighborhood.

Meeting adjourned at 1800 hours


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