Attended: Vimbai Dune, Cathy Moar, Karon Sackney, Carol Selby, Cate Watrous, Gloria Kelly, Dawn MacAulay, Debbie Stern & Deanna Kimball.
Regrets: Heather Wenzel, Tina Matias-Bouchard, Valerie D, Alisha Bigelow, Lynne Turcott, Darlene McClure, Mel Setter
Call to Order at 5:20 pm.
Round table of introductions
Adoption of Agenda: M/S Dawn/Gloria - accepted
Accept the change in the agenda moving the oath of office from #6 Old Business to #3 Adoption of Agenda. Oath of Office was taken by Vimbai Dune, Co-Chair; Karon Sackney, Co-Chair; Carol Selby, Treasurer; Cathy Moar, Secretary.
Winnipeg RWC Treasurer’s Report: Cheques to be deposited from Winnipeg AC and HRC for the Seasonal Celebration 2010; Karon will go to the bank to be added as one of the signing authorities, Darlene’s name will be removed, this is to be done before our next RWC meeting. M/S Carol/Debbie - accepted.
New Business:
A) Resolutions for PSAC Prairie Region Convnetion – deadline for these resolutions is February 23, 2011; The committee discussed in detail the various resolutions to submit. Agreed to send 6 resolutions. M/S Karon/Carol – accepted.
B) Budget – Carol presented budget for 2011. They took into account what expense we will need for the year. M/S Carol/Vimbai – accepted.
C) IWD event – Registration: Interested members in attending the March 8 event are Debbie Stern, Cate Watrous, Mel Setter and possibly Kelly McIntosh . This committee will pay the registrations for two (2) sisters to attend the event. M/S Carol/Dawn – accepted.
D) S.N.O.W. Night – February 17 at 7 pm to February 18 at 9 am - donations and volunteers are needed for this night. The committee agreed to donate $50.00 of needed items. Cathy will shop for the items and will provide receipts from purchase. Donations to be at PSAC office by February 16.
E) PSAC Women’s Program is developing a kit around child care for delivery between March 8 and Mother’s Day. M/S Carol/Vimbai – accepted.
- Post Cards for PSAC Women’s Programs, this was discussed at the National Women’s Convention; each sheet has 4 post cards – three are to be sent to various people, ie: MP, etc and a one to be kept for yourself or to be given to a friend.
NEXT MEETING: March 15, 2011 @ 5:15 pm joint meeting with Winnipeg AC & HRC.
Meeting Adjourned: 6:35 pm