Regina RWC Mtg Minutes - Jan 5 2009


JANUARY 5, 2009


BY CONFERENCE CALL: Laura Omoth, Tanya Galenzoski

IN PERSON:  Suzanne Huggins, Trayce Fayant, Melissa Brandt, Connie Gress

1.  Motion to approve the minutes as presented :

            - Motion by Tanya; Seconded by Laura; Carried

2.  Finance:

-         After outstanding cheques/approved in previous meetings are signed off, there will be $3, 104.18 in the bank.  $1500 of that are funds provided in 2008 for the womens conference from Robyn Benson.

-         Brief discussion on budget for 09 – Laura requested that Picket Line Support budget line be discussed when we are having budget meeting.

-         Good Food Box for Sophia House did not happen in December, due to time constraints.  Discussion to still provide for Family day in February – Moved by Laura; Seconded by Melissa; Carried.

3.   Think Tank – Discussion regarding 3 committees having joint meetings.  Neither chair has responded to Trayces’ request by email.  Discussion resulted in RWC (Trayce) will propose a meeting of the 3 committees on February 3 at 5:30to discuss.


4.  Unions of ReginaDinner – Update – Connie, Suzanne, Geri Starr and ? attended.  Very good turnout.  Lots of positive comments from the guests – such as “the unions put on the best Christmas Dinner”.


5.  Womens Workshop – March 7, 2009

-         Location – Eastview Community Centre – Trayce has gotten us a deal for the day only $150 for both rooms and kitchen – compared to $375.  If no function is booked in the evening before – we can go in and set up.

-         Speakers – Confirmed:

o       Sandra Ahenakew – Breast Cancer Survivor – Cost- $200 (cheque to be made to Doubting Thomas Productions – this company were responsible for the video she will present)

o       Janice Bernier – Board of Directors, United Way– will speak on Food Security and the Food Security Endowment Fund. – Cost $200 donation to the Food Security Endowment Fund

-         Speakers/guests – Not Confirmed:

o       Young woman who escaped gang/street violence

§         Trayce to get confirmation by this week, including costs.

o       Self Defense for Women

§         Suzanne to get confirmation and costs this week

o       Coyote Singers/Drummers – Laura to check this week to see if they are available to open – and get costs.

o       Master of Ceremonies:  Peggy Martin-Maguire – Suzanne to check if she is available.


-         To do:

o       Trayce

§         to get info regarding catering for lunch from Street Culture and children’s entertainment

§         check with community centre re: DVD player and screen

o       Connie to check on projection machine from CLC

o       Tanya to call RO re: donations such as hotel room for draws

o       Discussion about contacting our components for SWAG

o       Connie will get mini-door prizes once numbers are confirmed

o       Connie to provide draft estimates for breakfast at 50 people

o       Tanya will check with her daycare to find 2 childcare workers for childcare

§         We will pay $10 per person per hour (2 people) for 8 hours

o       Posters and invites need to go out by first week in February at latest.


6.         Next Meeting – Monday January 12 - Budget Meeting/followup to this meeting - Trayce to check for availability of RO and advise all; Next Regular Meeting February 2.

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