Saskatoon AC AGM Minutes - Feb 17 2011

Saskatoon Area Council


Minutes of February 17th, 2011


Nicole Wurm (AGR), Marianne Hladun (AGR), Karen Zoller (AGR),  Jackie Nettleton (AGR), Clara Fabbro (UEW), Elena Beynon,  (AGR), Rosemary Neufeldt (AGR), Evelyn Jackson (UNDE),  Barry Stollar (USGE),        Nancy Johnson (UTE)

Staff:  Heather Longstaff and Louise Mardell

1. Acceptance of Agenda

2. Review of May 27, 2010 AGM Minutes, approved

3. Jackie gave a verbal and written report of 2010 Area Council activities

4. Review of Financial Statements were not done because Treasurer was  sick and no books submitted

Jackie will contact Treasurer for books and then have them audited


A draft budget was prepared for meeting of March 7, 2011, Jackie will submit to Robyn’s office by March11th

Discussions took place with respect to a proposed budget and that we need to maximize funding for the Area Council to do their work

We need at least $2,500.00 -$5,000.00 as we are a very active Area Council.  Members raised concerns that other Area Councils get same funding and not as active.  Members felt that funding should be determined by the work of each Area Council and if money is not used then should be given back to REVP’s office for re-distribution.

Louise said she has been very creative with Think Public campaign and received additional funding for that work

Members wanted to know to why Social Justice funds are not given to Area Councils, Louise explained that those funds are separate from the work on the Area Councils but submissions can be presented for projects.  In the past Social Justice funding for Core Youth Neighbourhood project.

If Area Council has an idea for a project then we should submit request.  Louise offered to assist if needed.

Area Council recruitment is needed so that we can build the membership diversity around the table.  Jackie said she would call locals for input, as well when Locals conferences/meetings will promote the work of the AC

Heather asked that Resolutions be submitted to her by March 9th so that she can fax to REVP’s office

FB bargaining begins Monday, pamphlets to the public, ratification vote-may be going on strike

Year of the Steward-National will be handing out bags




Jackie Nettleton, nominated by Karen Zoller, 2nd by Nicole Wurm

No other nominations, Jackie Nettleton acclaimed 

Vice –President:

Evelyn Jackson, nominated by Nancy Johnson, 2nd by Rosemary Neufeldt

Nancy Johnson, nominated by Barry Stollar, 2nd by Karen Zoller

Nancydeclined nomination and Evelyn Jackson acclaimed


Nicole Wurm, nominated by Nancy Johnson, 2nd Evelyn Jackson

Karen Zoller, nominated by Jackie Nettleton, 2nd Rosemary Neufeldt

Karen Zoller declined nomination and Nicole Wurm acclaimed

Alternate Area Council Rep to the PRC:

Nancy Johnson, nominated by Barry Stollar, 2nd Nicole Wurm

No other nominations and Nancy Johnson acclaimed

Delegate to Prairies Region Convention

Faye Nochowny, nominated by Barry Stollar, 2nd Nancy Johnson

No other nominations and Faye Nochowny declared as delegate

2011 Area Council Executive:

Jackie Nettleton-President

Evelyn Jackson-Vice-President

Nicole Wurm-Secretary/Treasurer

Signing authority at the Affinity Credit Union will have to be changed.

(Copy of these minutes must be presented to Credit Union)

Oath was taken and lead by Barry Stollar, NVP (USGE)

Meeting adjourned

Minutes prepared by Nancy Johnson

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