Regina AC Mtg Minutes (Mar 17 2011 )



March 17, 2011


Present:               Tanya Galenzoski, L40008 (Chair)                             Melissa Brandt, L40064 (Secretary)

                           Shaun Brennand, L4A008 (PRC Rep)                       Connie Gress, L40064 (RWC Chair)

                           Milton Dyck, RVP Agriculture                                    Sylvie McAllister, L40162

                           Satinder Bains, L4A008                                             Steven Holtkamp, L4A008

                           Cheryl Nolconechny, L4A008                                     Curtis Bird, L4A008

                            Dan Grunert, L40721                                                 Tanya Bellegarde, L40102

                            Lorrie Bucknell, L40013

                            Lisa Garnier, PSAC Regional Representative


The meeting was called to order at 6:20 p.m.  Attendees were asked to sign the attendance sheet which was on circulation and a roundtable of introductions was completed.



Finance:  The interim treasurer, Mark Gilchrist, left the books at the PSAC Office.  A mini-audit still needs to be completed.  The closing bank balance as of December 31, 2010 is $4,054.15.  Sister Tanya estimated the committee spent $150.00 during the year so there is likely about $3,903.95 in the bank.

Area Council Representative:  Prairie Region Convention will be held at the beginning of June.  It will be located in Winnipeg again as the Region was unable to find suitable accommodation in Region.  A teleconference call is scheduled for March 22 to discuss the launch of the federal election campaign.  It is anticipated a low-key approach will be taken with MP ridings not being targeted.  The PSAC is planning to launch a new thrust to engage members and get them participating in PSAC committees.  Brother Shaun, along with the other PRC Representatives from Saskatchewan, is on the Finance Committee for Prairie Region Convention.

Chair:  There will be a big thrust to get the election campaign going.  Following Brother Mark’s resignation, Brother Shaun agreed to serve as interim treasurer.  There was a joint meeting of the committees held in February to plan for 2011.

Other Business:

Sister Connie provided some background information on the PSAC Supplemental Pension Plan.  She indicated a petition is being circulated and members are encouraged to gather signatures in their locals.  There is also lots of discussion taking place on Facebook.

Sister Connie explained about the 5 Days of Homelessness initiative of five students at the U of R.  Last year the initiative raised $17,000.00 which was donated to Carmichael Outreach.

Motion to donate $100.00 to the 5 Days of Homelessness initiative.

M/S         Satinder/Connie         Carried


It was suggested the students be invited to the next AC meeting to talk about their experiences during the initiative.

Delegate expenses for PRC were reviewed.  Originally $1,500.00 was budgeted; however with the change in location expenses will likely now be about $2,000.00 including loss of salary.  It was agreed there should be sufficient funds available to cover expenses from our existing finances.

Motion that AC cover the expenses of 1 delegate to Prairie Region Convention.


M/S        Milt/Shaun                  Carried.


Previous Annual General Meeting Minutes:

Motion to adopt the minutes of the 2010 annual general meeting.

M/S              Connie/Milt              Carried



Sister Lisa declared the floor open for nominations.


Chair:                    Shaun/Milt                                        Tanya G.

                             Connie/Lorrie                                   Melissa

Sister Melissa declined; Sister Tanya acclaimed.


Vice-Chair:         Tanya G./Shaun                                  Melissa

Sister Melissa acclaimed


Secretary:           Tanya B./Lorrie                                 Sylvie

                           Melissa/Tanya G.                             Connie

Both Sister declined; nominations reopened

                         Shaun/Tanya B.                                                Lorrie


Sister Lorrie acclaimed.


Treasurer:           no nomination received; after some discussion it was agreed to combine the duties with the secretary.


AC PRC Rep:       Cheryl/Satinder                      Shaun

Brother Shaun acclaimed.


Alternate AC PRC Rep:                  Melissa/Lorrie          Connie

                                                       Cheryl/Tanya G.          Satinder

                                                       Shaun/Cheryl               Tanya G.

Sister Connie declined.  Brother Satinder and Sister Tanya accepted the nomination.  Ballots were cast; Brother Satinder elected.


Motion to destroy the ballots.

M/S                        Melissa/Tanya G.                   Carried.


PRC Delegate:                   Shaun/Satinder                      Lorrie

                                          Connie/Dan                          Sylvie


Both Sisters accepted the nomination; ballots were cast, Sister Lorrie elected.

Alternate PRC Delegate:                           (1)         Sylvie

                                                                (2)          Dan

Motion to destroy the ballots.

M/S                        Tanya/Shaun                        Carried.


Motion to approve payment of dinner expenses in the amount of $87.01.

M/S                        Shaun/Sylvie             Carried.


Sister Tanya advised the next meeting would be April 12.


Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Sister Tanya adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.


Next meeting:  June 17 at 6:00 p.m.

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