Regina HRC Mtg Minutes (May 10 2011)

 Regina Human rights Committee

Annual General Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2011


In Attendance:Bryan Thompson Chair               Melissa Brandt, Secretary/Treasurer

                        Satinder Bains, PRC                  Steve Van Opstal, L40229

Janette Husak, L40064               Debbie Kahnapace, L40064

Gary Sparvier, L40064                Barham Thiam, L40064

Johanne Kassy, L40102             Lisa Garnier (PSAC Regional Representative)


Brother Bryan called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.followed by roundtable introductions.

Previous Meeting Minutes:

Motion to adopt the minutes of the April 6, 2009annual general meeting.

M/S                  Brother Satinder/Sister Janette                                                    Carried


Sister Melissa advised the closing bank balance on March 31, 2011was $4,080.12 and explained the process followed for completion of a mini-audit as directed by Robyn Benson, REVP – Prairies.  The mini-audit of the Human Rights Committee’s financial records was completed by Sister Suzanne Huggins, Treasurer – Regina Women’s Committee and her report was transmitted to Sister Robyn by email on March 13, 2011.  Sister Melissa then presented the proposed 2011 budget.

Motion to adopt the 2011 budget as presented.

M/S                  Sister Melissa/Brother Gary                                                        Carried

Motion to reimburse Satinder in the amount of $62.97 for meal.

M/S                  Sister Melissa/Sister Janette                                                      Carried

Motion to donate $100.00 to the Walk 4 Justice feast taking place July 11 at FirstNationsUniversity.

M/S                  Brother Satinder/Brother Gary                                                    Carried

2011 Prairie Region Convention:

Sister Janette advised she is not able to attend the Convention.  Committee records were reviewed, the first alternate is Sister Melissa however she is attending as a delegate from her local.  Brother Bryan is second alternate; therefore he will attend the Convention as the Committee’s delegate.

Election of Officers:

Sister Lisa assumed the chair and opened the floor for nominations.




Gary Sparvier                                         M/S      Bryan/Debbie

Janette Husak                                       M/S      Melissa/Steve


Janette declined; Garyaccepted.  Garyacclaimed.

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Vice Chair:


Bryan Thompson                                    M/S      Satinder/Gary

Janette Husak                                       M/S      Brian/Steve


Janette declined; Bryanaccepted.  Bryanacclaimed




Debbie Kahnapace                                 M/S      Bryan/Janette

Johanne Kassy                                      M/S      Satinder/Gary


Each Sister declined.  Nominations reopened


Melissa Brandt                                      M/S      Steve/Gary


Melissa accepted; acclaimed.




Janette Husak                                       M/S      Satinder/Gary

Debbie Kahnapace                                 M/S      Bryan/Satinder


Johanne declined; Janette accepted.  Janette acclaimed.


Other Business:


There was some discussion about the upcoming federal election.  Concerns that we will see further cuts to the public service under a Harper led majority were expressed.  It was noted there is a need to get First Nations engaged.


The Committee was reminded Aboriginal Awareness Week, Pride Week and National Aboriginal Day are coming up.


Information on Bill 160 to eliminate the SK Human Rights Tribunal was circulated and the petition signed.


Sister Janette proposed organizing a clothing drive and taking the items collected to a woman’s shelter.  Collecting toiletry items or basic household supplies was also suggested.


Sister Lisa administered the oath of office to the new executive and circulated a sign-up sheet to collect contact information.


Sister Lisa reminded attendees the next meeting is scheduled for June 1 at 6:00 p.m.  She then adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m.

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