Regina RWC Mtg Minutes (Mar 15 2011)

Regina Regional Women’s Committee

Annual General Meeting Minutes

March 15, 2011


In Attendance:Connie Gress, Chair                                        Suzanne Huggins, Treasurer

Melissa Brandt, L40064                                  Janette Husak, L40064

Arryn Varls, L40337                                       Tanya Galenzoski, PRC Women’s Rep

Betty Sproule, L40005 (Casino)                      Lisa Garnier, PSAC Representative


The meeting convened at 5:40 p.m.

A review of the January 18/11 meeting minutes was completed.  It was noted the audit of the books still needs to be completed.

M/S/C   Arryn/Tanya                       Pay supper expenses in the amount of $63.89.

Social Justice Projects:

Sister Gress sent a letter to the Roughriders concerning starting a Tools for Schools project.  She will send a followup letter as a response has not been received.

There is a Spring Free from Racism event being held on March 20 at the Italian Club.  Sister Garnier will forward a reminder to locals.  It was noted Sister Robyn contributed $500.00 to the event.

On March 13 five U of R students began the second annual 5 Day for the Homeless event.  The purpose of the event is to raise money and awareness for Regina’s homeless.  The students sleep outside with only a sleeping bag, pillow and tent; and have only the clothes on their backs.  For the five days they have no income, food or drink other than what is donated, only have access to a washroom when campus is open and must continue to attend classes.  Last year they raised $17,000.00 which went to Carmichael Outreach.  Sister Gress circulated the Leader-Post article with more information.

M/S/C   Connie/Arryn                    To provide a $50.00 donation from the RWC to Carmichael Outreach in support of the 5 days of Homeless event.

Sister Connie noted that the United Way Week of Caring is coming up.  There may be opportunities for other projects once they release their book.

A suggestion was made to look into developing a music program.  There may be PSAC members who play musical instruments who would be interested in teaching children to play an instrument.



A discussion related to the February 3/11 NBoD motion to supplement the pension plan ensued.  Documents featured in a CTVOttawa article estimate the cost at between $4 and $18 million.  A Facebook page called PSAC Grassroots has been setup.  UNDE is circulating a petition calling for the withdrawal of NBoD motion 9/17.  Sister Connie will circulate the petition for members to sign if they wish; and she will add those meeting attendees on Facebook to the PSAC Grassroots Facebook page.


Sister Tanya advised the relocation of compensation services to Miramachi is still scheduled to proceed.




Sister Lisa declared nominations open.  Sister Connie declared Chair; Sister Melissa declared secretary and Sister Suzanne declared Treasurer.  Sister Lisa administered the oath of office.




Sister Suzanne reported the current bank balance is $2,685.19.  It was agreed to complete the audit of the books immediately following the meeting.


M/S/C   Tanys/Janette                   To accept the financial report as presented.


Next meeting date to be determined.

The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m.

Our Organization: