Edmonton RWC Mtg Minutes (Apr 5 2011)


Minutes from April 5, 2011 Edmonton Regional Women's Committee meeting

Edmonton Regional Women’s Committee

April 5, 2011



Cora-Lee Oleny – GSU 30001

Gulnar Dhalwani – UEW 30703

Tamara Kozlowska – CEIU 30851

Elaine Alt – RWC Secretary

Kari Mayer – NHU 30016

Darlene Lewis- RWC Chair

Carm Chan - PSAC Regional Rep

Via Teleconference:

Jo Chelick


Deb Sutton – UNDE 30902


Call to order 5:40 pm

13.0 Adoption of Agenda:

Agenda adopted with amendments of 13.3 a) Changing Together and 13.9  Roundtable

13.1 Adoption of Previous Meetings:

Adopted by consensus September 22 and December 2010  Minutes

13.2 Report on Committee's Finances:

Committee Finances are still under investigation. Bank Account now at Servus at Edmonton Center. Balance is $4602.74

13.3 Tools for Schools:

Darlene Lewis explained about the many campaigns that were done in the past. Kari Mayer said the Rush team could be approached and maybe a discount could be given on a ticket if you bring a school supply donation. Tamara liked it when we donated in person to an inner city school. Jo mentioned we could donate Kleenex to school for their supply room. Maybe a presentation from the RWC can be made at a general assembly or at staggered assemblies.  Darlene Lewis to check with the United Way for a school name as there are many schools in need.

13.3 a) Changing Together:

Tamara mentioned that there are similar groups across Canada. There is a $5.00 fee. Human Trafficking is growing. Tamara suggested we have a speaker to talk about this at one of our meetings. We could have a session at Canada Place and provide sandwiches. This would show members that we are involved in the community.

13.4 Cold Blue Child Care Campaign:

Darlene Lewis advised the website was set up April 3, 2011. If candidates come to Edmonton we should contact them, go on line and register. This should be posted on the bulletin boards.

13.5 Workshop on Pension:

Five members have registered for the session with the speaker from PSAC Ottawa on Saturday April 9 2011.

Volunteering for the Youth:

Discussions took place regarding volunteering in a youth shelter or center. Darlene Lewis to check with the Kids in the Hall to have our next meeting there or we could use them for catering another meeting to show support.

Report on International Women’s Day Events:

The December 6, 2010 commemoration of the event that took place in Montreal, was well organized with various community groups Victims Crime Units,  Pave and various Unions like HAS, AFLand UNA being participants in the Canada Place event with many other dignitaries. Tamara thanks Carm and Oneil for the preparation work done by them. In the past we asked management to attend as well and grant employees time off with pay. Carm Chan will talk to the Alberta Federal Council about this event in 2011.

PSAC Prairies Convention 2011 Winnipeg:

Darlene Lewis is attending as the RWC representative. Elaine Alt and Darlene Lewis seconded that Tamara be the alternate for the Convention. It was decided that up to $2000.00 will be allocated to send Tamara from the RWC to Winnipeg.

13. 9 Roundtable:

Carm advised the diapers were given to Terra Center for Pregnant and Parenting Teens. They were very appreciative.  As a fundraiser they are having a breakfast on April 20 at the Westin.

Tamara talked about the February 14, 2011, March for the slain First Nations women that were killed in Edmonton. They marched from Sacred Heart to City Hall.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 pm.













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