Saskatoon AC Mtg Minutes (Oct 25 2011)


Minutes of Meeting

SaskatoonArea Council

October, 25, 2011


Present:       Evelyn Jackson (UNDE, AC VP), Karen Zoller (AGR), Mike Brecht (CEIU), NancyJohnson(UTE, RWC chair),Jackie Nettleton (AGR AC Pres.),  Louise Mardell (PSAC Rep), Elena Beynon,  (AGR)

 Alice Dwornik, (UTE) and Colleen Saskiw(UTE) – phoned in

 Regrets        Marianne Hladun, (AGR) Altternate REVP, Nicole Wurm(AGR)

 1. Election of Delegate to PSAC Triennial Convention

 The election was run by Louise Mardell who laid out the process for the election.

 Jackie was nominated by Karen Zoller, seconded by Evelyn Jackson

 Nancy Johnson was nominated by Mike Brecht, seconded by Colleen Saskiw.

 Louise asked the nominees if they would let their names stand and they agreed.

 Elena Beynon arrived after voting had started and was therefore ineligible to vote.

 Nancy Johnson will be the delegate from the Area Council to the PSAC convention.

 Nancy Johnson nominated Jackie Nettleton for alternate delegate, seconded by Karen Zoller. There were no other nominations so Jackie Nettleton will be Nancy’s alternate.

 2. Discussion of resolutions

 There were five resolutions handed out and discussed.

Alice Dwornik and Colleen Saskiw were unable to stay  for the discussion on the resolutions.

 Jackie Nettleton made a motion to destroy the ballots seconded by Nancy Johnson: carried.

 3. Discussion of the election mailout.

 Most people had received their information which was mailed Friday afternoon. Some had to be mailed later as the postal machine ran out of ink. Louise said that a few had been returned to the regional office as the address was wrong so we can update our address list. No one reported any feedback either positive or negative.

 4. Adjourned

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