Regina RWC AGM Minutes (Apr 4 2012)

Regina Regional Women’s Committee

Annual General Meeting Minutes

April 4, 2012


In Attendance:Connie Gress, Chair                                        Suzanne Huggins, Treasurer

 Melissa Brandt, Secretary                               Sandra Ahenakew, L40064

Raelene Ramnes, L40005 (Casino)                 Caroline Cote, L40818

Debbie Bernhardt, L40022                             Lisa Garnier, PSAC Representative


The meeting convened at 5:45 p.m.

A review of the March 15/11 meeting minutes was completed.

M/S/C   Debbie/Caroline              Adoption of the 2011 annual general meeting minutes.


Sister Suzanne summarized expenditures which occurred in 2011 and reported the closing bank balance as of December 31/11 was $4,308.47.  She indicated funds which had been set aside to cover expenses for the committee’s delegate to attend Prairie Region Convention were not used as between the portion of expenses covered by PRC and what was covered by UNE, the component from which the delegate came, all expenses for the delegate were covered.

A cheque in the amount of $857 representing the PRC allocation for 2012 has been received.

It is anticipated the 2014 Prairie Region Convention will be held in Regina.  If a decision is made to hold convention here in Reginawe can again expect the expenses for our delegate to be low; therefore it will be possible for the committee to consider a more substantial project this year.

M/S/C   Raelene/Caroline            Adoption of the financial report as presented.

Social Justice Projects:

Sister Gress summarized some of the projects the committee was involved in during 2011:

·         5 Days of Homelessness:  funds raised go to Carmichael Outreach.  A donation of $50 was made to the initiative.

M/S/C   Debbie/Suzanne              Reimburse Sister Connie $50 for RWC contribution

·         Unions of Regina Christmas Dinner and Labour Day picnic:  both these events provide ways for locals to donate funds and/or for members get involved by volunteering.  They provide an opportunity for public visibility and to network/connect with other Sisters (and Brothers) in our union and other unions.

Sister Gress noted that engaging our members can be challenging and observed that all committees struggle.  Other ways in which we can connect with members is through Facebook.

Potential projects for 2012 were discussed; suggestions included:

·         Time Raising – May 15, cost to register is$10

·         United Way Week of Caring – the calendar should be out by the end of April.  It was agreed to meet the first week of May to review opportunities and select a project.


Sister Sandra advised two shows of the Vagina Monologues using an all aboriginal cast will be presented at the MacKenzie on May 26 & 27.  All proceeds go to Sophia House.



Sister Lisa declared nominations open.  Sister Connie acclaimed Chair; Sister Melissa acclaimed Secretary and Sister Caroline acclaimed Treasurer.  Sister Lisa administered the oath of office.


PSAC Convention:

A brief discussion focusing on some of the resolutions related to issues which affect/concern women and that will be debated at the upcoming PSAC Convention ensued:

·         Child care – resolutions seeking changes to the travel directive

·         Proposal for a national women’s committee

·         Changes to Regulation 15

·         Pension fund shortfall


The next meeting will be held on May 2 at 5:30.  We will have a potluck meal, with Sister Connie providing chicken.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Our Organization: