Regina District Area Council
Annual General Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2012
In attendance:
Melissa Brandt, Chair Lorrie Bucknell, Secretary/Treasurer
Shaun Brennan, PRC Rep Suzanne Huggins, L40064
Steve Van Opstal, L40229 Eric Brian Thompson, L40229
Satinder Baines, L4A008 Richard Dolinski, L4A008
Ed Janis, APSAR Joel Kelly L40721
Tim Hubick L4A008 Allan Saccaray L40022
Bruce Cook L40022 Lisa Garnier, PSAC Representative
Meeting called to order at 5:45 pm.
Attendees were asked to sign the attendance sheet which was circulated and a round table of introductions was completed.
1. Review of 2011 Annual General Meeting Minutes.
Motion to adopt minutes as presented, made by Shaun Brennand; seconded by Steve Van Opstal. Carried.
2. Financial Review
[The bank balance as of December 31, 2010is $4,054.15 less 2011 operations of $439.04 equals a opening balance of $3,615.11]
As of todays date (April 11, 2012) the bank balance is $3,112.81. I was given a cheque for the 2012 year for $1,500.00, so the new bank balance will be $4,612.81.
Motion to adopt the financial report made by Bruce Cook. Seconded by Satinder Baines. Carried.
3. Adoption of bylaws
Sister Connie Gress emailed the last draft version of the Bylaws to Melissa Brandt. The draft is 2006. In order to finalize and adopt the bylaws they will need some tweaking to correct typos. Melissa suggested to take the names of people interested in reviewing the bylaws after which a special meeting to adopt the bylaws would be held. Melissa Brandt, Bruce Cook and Shaun Brennand would be the Bylaw Subcommittee to put forward a draft of the bylaws.
4. Pause for Supper.
Motion to reimburse meal expense made by Brian Thompson; seconded by Steve Van Opstal. Carried.
5. Discussion around being supportive of Brothers and Sisters in this hard time of job cuts. Most members are silent at the workplace hoping they will not be affected.
6. Elections
Lisa Garnier conducted nominations for elections.
Nominations for Chair – nominations were Shaun Brennand, who declined.
Melissa Brandt was also nominated and accepted nomination. Melissa Brandt acclaimed as the new Chair .
Nominations for Vice-Chair – nominations were Shaun Brennand who declined.
Bruce Cook was also nominated and accepted nomination. Bruce Cook acclaimed as the new Vice-Chair.
Nominations for Secretary – nominations were Lorrie Bucknell who declined, Suzanne Huggins who also declined, Allen Sacaray who accepted. Allen Sacaray acclaimed as the new Secretary.
Nominations for Treasurer – nominations were Satinder Baines who declined. Richard Dolinski was also nominated and accepted nomination. Richard Dolinski acclaimed as the new Treasurer.
All four positions will need to go to the bank together and get sign authority.
7. Other discussion
Bruce – thanks everyone for money donated to the March 1st Day of Action.
Would like to get the contact list up-to-date but require assistance from Lisa to get contact numbers and emails info for home from each local for all members.
Melissa advised that Sister Connie and herself had a list they used to contact people and the list was very out of date.
Lorrie advised that when we have membership meetings that her Executive has the members sign cards and put their email (voluntary emails). Lorrie advised that on the membership cards it would help in the future if it said Home email, instead of email. Everyone usually puts their work email otherwise.
Melissa suggested having treats when holding meetings and if they are rand they go over to sign a card a get a treat. Melissa also advised that the PSAC website has a link for members to use to update their contact information.
8. Melissa asked Shaun for any WFA updates. Robyn Benson is asking for co-operation. Updates from PSAC Regional Office. Discussion to come next week.
Lisa asked members in the meeting if they had any indication who has been surplused or affected.
Satinder Baines – disappointed that we were not proactive in this matter with WFA and the role that PSAC had.
Lisa Garnier – this office tried to see if union President’s needed or are having WFA meetings. The reaction was that most people weren’t worried and it’s just rumors and we will not be affected.
Ed Janis – suggested that we become incorporated and then we will be taken seriously.
Lisa Garnier – if PSAC would like to do something, Betty Pickering said she would be interested, please call her.
Steve Van Opstal – trying to get wife’s friend immigrated as a citizen the legal way and shouldn’t be bringing in disposable workers. Sister Melissa observed they have disposable workers from Mexicoworking at the market garden sites in the valley by Craven. PSAC Convention is coming and maybe something could be addressed there. Maybe the NBOD will make changes.
Bryan and Steve – had concerns about accident at work and some of the accidents that were reported to their supervisors were not being submitted or going to the appropriate person other than just the supervisor. No submissions to WCB. Supervisor has not submitted them and is keeping them.
Next meeting is May 16th, 2012at 5:30 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.