Regina AC Mtg Minutes (May 16 2012)

Regina and District Area Council

May 16th 2012

PSAC Regional Office - Board Room

 Regina, SK.



Melissa Brandt, L40064 - President

Bruce Cook, CRA, L40022 - Vice President

Richard Dolinski, RCMP, L40008 - Treasurer

Lorrie Bucknell, L40013  

Connie Gress, L40064 - RWC

Shawn Brennand, RCMP, L4A008

Ed Janis

Allan Saccary, CRA, L40022 - Secretary

Regrets            Lisa Garnier, PSAC office


This meeting was called to order by Sister Melissa at 1745 hrs.

1.                   “Motion to adopt agenda as circulated”                    

                        Brother Bruce/Brother Richard                                      Motion carried  

2.                  “Motion to adopt minutes as circulated of the January 10, 2012meeting”

                                    Sister Connie/Sister Lorrie                                 Motion carried

3.                   Approval of Audited statements

Discussion:        - To receive funding the Regional Executive VP has required all Regional councils to have their three committees audit one another’s financial statements.  Only one other committee treasurer was available to participate but Sister Suzanne Huggins was very detailed in her review.

                        -The treasurer must also submit copies of the council’s monthly bank statements.


            “Motion to approve the 2011 audited financial statements” 

                                    Brother Allan/Brother Richard                           Motion carried


4.                   Budget 2012                              Annex A

Discussion:        - about the deficit budget and the letter campaign that money was set aside for.  Consensus to put the amount of the letter campaign in the budget as “other campaign”


“Motion to approve the 2012 Budget as presented”

                        Brother Richard/Brother Bruce                          Motion Carried

            “Motion to approve tonight’s food expenses of $104.75”

                                    Sister Lorrie/Sister Connie                                 Motion Carried


5.                   Convention Delegate Report

-          Not present at this time


6.                   2012 Projects - nothing at this time


7.                   National Public Service Week

-          Discussion at PSAC convention about our members not participating in NPSW.  Some components are supporting this and already sending out some instructions.

-          Should we do an alternative / anti event was discussed

-          Consensus was to recommend members not participate but we anticipate a number likely will, if something can get organized it might help deter


8.                   Other Business

-          Brother Shawn indicated that because of the recent layoffs and WFA activity, we should expect some direction to come from the National Board of Directors in the way of some sort of action.  They may be asking us to go to the public for their input on what impact the recent changes have or will have on them.

-          There is talk of electronic border crossings which will require you to scan your passport and, through closed circuit TV, talk with the Border Officer in another location for anything you may have to declare.

-          Women’s Committee to do a Day of Caring project, they will be painting at Clare Parker House

-          Women’s Committee will be having a Guest speaker on the 29th of May 2012.  Notices just went out today to all locals, please help pass on the word.  Theme is “honor our past to change the future”, guest speaker will be Sister Sandy Ursu who walked the picket lines in 1981,the CR group who helped bring in paid maternity leave and other family leave options as well as number of other items we currently enjoy in our contracts

-          28 Aug 2012will be the day we put together School Supplies for Kruetzer House, please save the date, more details to follow


9.                   Next Meeting June 19th 2012


Meeting adjourned at 1944 hrs by Sister Melissa 


Original Signed by

Allan Saccary UTE local 40022

Secretary RAC


Annex A

2012 Regina and District Area Council Budget



            PSAC funding already received             $1500

            PSAC funding anticipated                      $1000


     Total Revenue                                          $2500



            Bank Charges                                                                           $ 30

            Hospitality & Meals                                                                  $500

            Gifts, Rewards & Recognition                                                  $100

            Convention - June 2014 (1/3 of $1500)                                    $500


            Donations                                 $880

            Kruetzer House                        $500

            Labour Day Picnic                    $150

            Christmas Dinner                      $100

             5 days of Homelessness           $100

             Remembrance Day Wreath       $ 30


            Campaigns                                             $700

                        Day of Action 1 March              $200

                        Other Campaigns                      $500


   Total Expense                                                                                                         ($2710)


Profit / (Loss)                                                                                                             ($210)

Our Organization: