Northern SK RAPC Minutes (Jan 31 2013)

In attendance: Paul Daigneault, Amber Sinclair, Susan Lariviere, Denni Nelson, Elaine Vandall, Prudence McKenzie, Trudy Lerat, Bre-Ann Mack, Anne Lavergne. Regrets Dave Beeds, Kurtis McAdam, Elder Gordon Ratt.

Meeting was called to order at 5:28 pm

Review of Agenda: additional items added include a review of a pamphlet and guidelines from national headquarters. Paul motioned to accept the agenda as presented with the additional items and Bre-Ann seconded.

Review of previous minutes: Anne motioned to approve and Amber seconded.

  1. a) Chairperson's report- Paul reporting for Dave with an overview of RAPC and NAPC for the new members. He provided an overview of our committee and events held over the past year including the Truth and Reconciliation round dance this past summer. We hope to develop a workplan.
    b) Treasurer's report-Trudy made a motion to reimburse Ottawa the $1000 we were paid in duplicate for the round dance expenditures Seconded by Paul. Anne made a motion to accept the treasurers report and Amber seconded.
    c)Secretary's report- USGE commissioners DON HEAD consultations regarding recruitment of aboriginal staff. Paul made a motion to accept the secretary’s report and Amber seconded.
  2. Travel policy was discussed and the following conclusions were determined: we are to follow the National Joint Council Treasury Board Guidelines and all travel is to be pre-approved. Additionally, carpooling is to be a first choice and is highly encouraged.  Paul motioned that we follow the noted guidelines and Trudy seconded.
  3. A workplan was developed based on the discussions held in the meeting held on November 8, 2012. We will organize a round dance for June 21st of each year with intent of supporting residential school survivors. We will organize a one –day conference focused on Youth. We will organize a winter event such as a bonspiel or a street hockey tournament.  We will organize a meet and greet reception with the Friendship Center in Prince Albert.
  4. RAPC Pilot project –deadline to apply is February  1st. Louise will be facilitating.
  5. Urban Aboriginal Strategy Application-presentation  by Prudence McKenzie
  6. Fundraising Trudy Lerat will check into a lottery license. We will discuss fundraising at our next meeting.
  7. Pamphlet to be discussed at next meeting.
  8. Guidelines: Motion to follow made by Paul seconded by Trudy.

Next meeting to be February 13th at library at 5 pm

Motion to pay for meeting room made by Paul seconded by Denni

Adjourn 7 pm






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