Saskatoon RWC Minutes (Jan 17 2013)

Saskatoon Regional Women's Committee Meeting Minutes - Jan 17, 2013

In Attendance: Nancy Johnson and Karen Zoller
Stormy night….

Chair Update:

Nancy attended the Leadership Summit and National Human Rights Committee meetings held in Ottawa from November 3-December 5th.

The Women’s reps spent 1 ½ days discussing their theme and plans for the Women’s conference being held in Toronto at the Sheraton Hotel from November 18-21, 2013.  The Theme will be “Telling Our Stories, we are all affected”.  There will be workshops are the four main PSAC priorities.  Andree Cote, Women’s Program would like to see our regional conferences to have similar themes and/or priorities. The women’s reps will meet again in July/August for continual planning and review of resolutions.

Regional Women’s Conference will be held May 3-5 at the Banff Centre, the steering committee will consist of all the chairs of the RWC’s, Nancy-PRC Women’s Rep and Carm Chan, Regional Rep from Edmonton and Marianne REVP.  The 1st planning meeting will happen over the next few weeks.  Watch for the call out on the website and via notice from the Regional office.

National H&S call out letter has now posted to website.  The conference is in Montreal from April 12-14 and registration closes January 31st.  There are approx. 300 seats including observers, so we expect a lot of applicants.

March 8th- International Women’s Day

The Saskatoon Women’s Community Coalition is planning an event for the evening of Saturday, March 9th at the Farmer’s Market.  As we did last year, they are asking for our financial support and helping hands.  Once the poster and tickets are ready I will let everyone know.

Saskatchewan Women’s Forum 2013: Connecting Voices for Change-

To be held at the Bessborough Hotel evening of the January 18th and all day Saturday.  I have sent out a call out letter asking if members are interested in attending then the committee would pay their $50.00 registration fee.  I have only received requests from Nicole Wurm and myself.  The registrations are full at this time and there is a waiting list.  Marianne will be in attendance as well.  Nancy is on the planning committee representing PSAC women. 

December 6th- event was well attended and sponsored by our committee, our donation is still outstanding.


No meeting expenses incurred.






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