Saskatoon RWC Mtg Minutes (Jul 31 2012)

Saskatoon Regional Women's Committee Minutes: July 31st, 2012

In Attendance: Nicole Wurm, Karen Zoller, Rosemary Neufeldt, Evelyn Jackson, Nancy Johnson
Regional Rep Louise Mardell

Guest: Kelly Meygesi, BC Women’s Rep

Report of Chair:

·         December 6th Day of Action on Violence Against Women
·         March 8th International Women’s Day
·         Federal Women’s symposium
·         Vigils for missing and murdered Aboriginal women
·         Take Back the Night Marches
·         Saskatoon & District Labour Council’s Summer Snack program
·         Toiletries and household items  for local women’s shelters
·         Attended budget watch
·         Labour Day BBQ

One-day workshop with Regina/Prince Albert, no response from committees, so will try again in fall of 2013.

Summer Snack still needs volunteers for August 15 & 22.  July dates filled up quickly.

Protecting Rights workshop in October, more details to follow

CLC Labour College-Nancy spoke about her experience and encouraged members to apply. She will be attending her 2nd in house at Port Elgin from August 17-31.

September 15th- Huge Day of Action, We are all affected campaign, details to follow.

Nancy attended the Campaign Training for Women, two day training in Regina on July 28 & 29.
She requested reimbursement of hotel and mileage. The total expense was $412.00 (hotel and mileage only) and committee supported her attendance and reimbursement from Educational line in budget.  She provided details of the workshop and handed out a copy of the workshop materials.  The media section was very informative and suggested that this could be a one-day workshop offered through the committee.  The workshop was held at City hall.  There were 25 women from various unions and workplaces in attendance.  Rosemary had received my email request to attend but she was off the day request was sent as it went to her work email address. 

Motion: to cover her hotel and mileage


Nancy attended as the Area council delegate and spoke on resolutions on women’s issues.  Sister Kelly Meygesi from BC help prepare my three minute scripts.  Both resolutions were unanimously supported by the delegates.  Women’s Rep from each of the Regions to have delegate status at National convention.

As well there will be NO supplemental pension plan for elected officers.

Kelly also spoke about the resolutions to the committee, she attended as an observer and was happy that she could contribute

Robyn Benson elected National President, Marianne REVP, vacancy as alt REVP, Elena to RVP


Regional Rep, Louise Mardell conducted elections
Nancy Johnson acclaimed as chair
Nicole Wurm acclaimed as co-chair
Elena Beynon acclaimed as Secretary/Treasurer

Round Table:

Meeting Expense: $40.00 paid by Nancy

Our Organization: