Regina AC Minutes - May 1 2013

Regina and District Area Council Meeting Minutes

May 1, 2013

In Attendance:

  • Melissa Brandt Chair
  • Satinder Bains, Vice-Chair
  • Dan Grunert, Treasurer
  • Brett Pollard, Secretary
  • Michael Shell, L40064
  • Bruce Cook, L40022
  • Richard Dolinski, L4A008
  • Shaun Brennand, PRC AC Rep
  • Ed Janis, APSAR
  • Diane Allan, PSAC Representative

The meeting commenced at 5:35 p.m. with a welcome for May Day.


Brother Dan distributed the financial statements for 2012 and went through the statement of transactions. The bank balance effective December 31, 2012 was $3,197.33. Brother Dan distributed the annual financial statement (Appendix C of the committee reporting guide) received from Sister Hladun. It was noted the bank balance as of January 1, 2011 should read January 1, 2012. Brother Dan will make the change before submitting the form to Sister Hladun’s office.

M/S/C Bruce/Brett To accept the 2012 financial statements as presented.

The annual budget request (Appendix E of the committee reporting guide) was reviewed. The form will be amended to indicate it covers the period January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. The budget request amount will be amended to $0.00.

M/S/C Bruce/Michael To adopt the budget with the addition of dates/title and the budget request amount revised to $0.00.

M/S/C Milt/Michael To reimburse Sister Melissa $13.85 for dinner expenses.

Brother Dan will initiate the paperwork to change over the signing officers at the bank and contact the other officers once an appointment is scheduled. The signing officers will be the Chair, Vice-chair and Treasurer.

Other Business:

Sister Diane advised there is a petition being circulated calling for referendum on the proposed privatization of Regina’s water treatment plant. She indicated she would email out a link to the site.

Brother Shaun advised there will be a local leadership meeting held on May 9.

Sister Melissa indicated she had received preliminary information for the United Way Day of Caring program. She will report on potential projects at the next meeting.

Next meeting dates: May 22 and June 26.

The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.  

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