Prince Albert AC Mtg Minutes - May 15 2013

Meeting Commenced: 5:30 pm, JMC Library

In attendance:  Denni Ernst, Tim Hogan, Dallas Auger, Paul Daigneault, Louise Mardell

Leadership Forum:  Discussed was the We are All Affected Campaign.  Members will be selected to act as campaigners and will be trained. They will be then sent to speak to members and get them to sign pledge cards and obtain updated member information which will be then forwarded on to Ottawa.  Information that will be passed on to members during the course of the conversation will be that sick leave and pensions are targeted and a positive message about 10 things the union has done. 

National Public Service Week:  is once again being boycotted.  A discussion about planning of summer events took place. The June 21st round dance is an idea where we can contribute. Members can use their volunteer day. A motion was made by Paul where we support the aboriginal BBq with $100 for pop or burgers and seconded by Tim.  It is hoped this will be matched by the REVP.  Passed unanimously. 

Labour Day BBQ:  Denni will contact Fay with the PA & Dist labour council and advise that this year we will be contributing $200 instead of $500 and that we would like to see an ad this year. Darla Laird is another contact we can use. 

PRC Update: The hotspring sale was postponed due to a lack of consultation with Aboriginals. 

Education:  JLP Facilitators Call out. Carol Casey has put a call out for facilitators.
Grievance handling course is being offered May 24-25 in Saskatoonat the R.O. 

Employment Opportunities:  Regional Organizer-Winnipeg Office. An indeterminate position will be coming in the Saskatoon R.O. Members are encouraged to check the website for opportunities regularly and apply. 

Financials:  February 28th bank balance is $960.04.  Motion passed to pay the library room fees for the April 30 and May 15th meetings for a total of $50 by Tim, seconded by Paul. Passed unanimously. 

SFL Aboriginal Committee:  Bill 85 passed but hoping to repeal.  Advertising is hoping to be done. Next meeting is August 15 or 6th.  Requesting Louise or Maryanne to do a presentation. Working on resolutions re the Australian Experience.

Meeting Adjourned:  6:45 pm

Next meeting:  September 9, 2013,  5:15 pm at the JMC Library.

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