Calgary RWC Minutes - Apr 25 2013

RWC Minutes from April 25, 2013

Calgary Regional Women’s Committee Meeting (PSAC)

April 25, 2013- Calgary Regional Office

In Attendance:                                                                      

Carrie-Ann French – UTE 30024

Stephanie Vandewaeter – CIU 30036

Charlene Highfield – UNE 30186

Ayanna Ayi – CEIU 30856

Emma Bertamini – UTS 30024

Dolly Ablitt – PSAC Calgary RO (Staff)  

Guest speaker – Emily Lis from United Way                    


Meeting called to order at 5:50 pm.

Guest speaker Emily Lis from the campaign engagement team with the United Way talked about day of caring program opportunities. The Women’s Center is moving to a new location and requires groups of 5-15 people in May and June to do painting and move. Walk In Closet requires volunteers to sort clothing and be image consultants. YWCA requires all sorts of volunteers to sort pantry items, donations and do grounds maintenance. The Women in Need Society supports vulnerable women and requires volunteers to process and sort donations. We decided we would like to contribute to one of these causes by volunteering as a group.

Old Business:

  • Treasurer’s Report. Dolly reviewed financial statements on behalf of Nicole. $1429.26 was for participation on Gina in the last convention. Balance is $1057.60.

New Business:

  • Globalfest. We will have a tent there which we will share with 2 other unions. We will need volunteers to put up “herstory” posters and hand out “we are all affected” material.
  • Labour Day BBQ – We will be involved and will need volunteers to cook food etc.
  • Women’s conference in Banff – Donations are coming in and Carrie Anne and Dolly will sort before the conference. Gift cards could be purchased with the donations that are coming in. There will be a display table at the conference. Possibly with a collage of all the past and future activities which the RWC participated in. Carrie-Ann suggested a “guessing game” type of 50/50 at the sign in table.


  • Positions will remain the same for now and elections will be put on hold as new members will be joining us at the next meeting.

Next regular meeting will be Thursday May 30, 2013 at 5:30pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm 

Our Organization: