Lethbridge AC Mtg Minutes - Oct 24 2012

Minutes of the Meeting of the
Lethbridge and District Area Council
October 24, 2012

In attendance:

Greg Krokosh (30027), President; David Pearson (30048), Secretary/Treasurer; Sherry Hunt (30048); Ray Wilson (30048); Stephanie Erb (30048); Christine Krokosh (30027); Darrell Vedres (30048); Hehald Mark (30048); Lyn Paterson (30048); Elaine Nakonechny (30048); Michele Jackson (30048); Shan nan Little (30048); Marlene St. Onge (30036)

Called to order: 1810 hours


1) Agenda was adopted by consensus.

2) Minutes ofthe August 28, 2012 meeting.

  • Adopted by consensus with corrections

3) Area Council Treasurer Report.

  • As of October 24, 2012, the bank balance: $$2,092.93
  • Was adopted.

4) 2013 Budget

  • 2013 budget was presented and discussed
  • 2013 budget was adopted by consensus

5) Election of Officers

  • President: Brother Greg Krokosh was nominated by Brother Pearson, seconded by Sister Hunt; Brother Greg Krokosh was acclaimed.
  • Vice-President: Sister Sherry Hunt was nominated by Brother Wilson, seconded by Brother Vedres; Sister Sherry Hunt was acclaimed.
  • Secretary-Treasurer: Brother David Pearson was nominated by Sister Hunt, seconded by Brother Mark; Brother David Pearson was acclaimed.

6) PSAC Update


  • UTE
  • FB:1)Bargaining has started and has a badge holder with We are Affected on them as a mobilization item. 2) The mediation is scheduled for November 24-25. 3)PIC hearing on December 10. 4) Security our Priority campaign.
  • TC: 1) Public Interest Commission has been schedule for November 12-16,2012.
  • CFIA: 1) Bargaining in January. 2) Public Interest Commission in February


Stand-up for public services

  • Must protect public services
  • Parks are privatizing the hot springs in Banff
  • The selling off crown assets (i.e. community pastures)
  • Privatizing government services (i.e. storage of tax records)

Purple Ribbon Campaign

  • October 31, NDP MP's in the House of Commons will be wearing a purple ribbon as a symbol of we are all affected.
  • It was suggest the LAC do something similar, purple ribbon as a symbol we are all affect.
  • Sister Hunt volunteer to make the ribbons (approx. 100): Motion to purchase the ribbons; m/s Brother Mark/SisterNakonechny. Carried
  • Started in the Quebec region

Protect the Prairie

7)We Are All Affected Campaign- September 15

  • Had a discussion of the actions taken on September 15th.
  • Attached is the flyer given to the MP, City Council, Chamber of Commerce
  • Attached is the ad for the Lethbridge Herald
  • Had a discussion ofthe national camp,aign and material used; It was suggested that there should be enough material given to councils so that everyone who is involve can have something.

8) Meeting with REVP

  • Sister Hladun, Prairies REVP will be visiting Lethbridge on November 13, 2012
  • The meeting will be at Roundtree Cafe at 1800.

9) Education meeting Lethbridge

  • On December 11, 2012 there will be a meeting with the Area Council over educational needs
  • Sister Judy Shannon, Regional Education Officer and a PRC member from education committee will be attending

10) PSAC Tomato Project/Foodbank Garden

  • Harvested 3337.S Ibs. of food, which is valued by the Interfaith Food Bank of $6675.00.

11) Dates to Remember

  • November 5 - Deadline for application for Labour College of Canada (May and August 2013)
  • November 17 & 18 - Prairie Regional Health and Safety Conference in Edmonton.

12) Roundtable

  • Nothing to report

13) Meeting was adjourned at 1940

14) Next meeting TBA

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