Regina AC Mtg Minutes - Jun 26 2013


Regina Area Council Meeting Minutes June 26, 2013

 In Attendance:              

  • Melissa Brandt – Chair 
  • Brett Pollard – Secretary
  • Michael Schell – Local 40064

 The meeting commenced at 5:45 p.m.

 Financial Report

Sister Melissa reported the closing bank balance effective May 31 was $2,987.13.  Change over to the new signing officers has not yet been completed at Conexus.  Sister Melissa will contact Brother Dan – Treasurer, to follow-up.

 Tools for Schools Project:

 Sister Melissa reported the Regina Women’s Committee had confirmed participation.  The RWC has selected Regina Transition House to receive 1/3 of the supplies collected.  Sister Melissa contacted Carmichael Outreach on behalf of Regina Area Council.  Carmichael Outreach is very interested in receiving a donation of school supplies.  Brother Michael reported the Human Rights Committee had also confirmed participation.  The Committee has not yet identified a recipient organization.  There was discussion and a list of possible organizations identified.  Brother Michael will make some phone calls and forward the name of a recipient organization by the end of the first week in July.

The letter utilized for the past two years was reviewed.  It was agreed the letter should be sent forwarded to all Regina PSAC locals and committees through the Regina Regional Office by the week of July 8.  All donations are to be delivered to the PSAC Regina office by August 27.  There will be a meeting held on August 27 to sort the supplies and develop a shopping list of additional items to be purchased.  The purchases will be made on August 28 and delivery to the recipient organizations done on August 29.

 Public Services are Cool Campaign:

 Sister Melissa reported a budget was submitted for a booth during the Regina Dragon Boat Festival.  The festival is held the last weekend of August.  Sister Melissa to obtain clarification from Sister Diane regarding when the booth needs to be set-up and manned.  It was agreed a meeting should be held the week of August 12 to plan.

 The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

 Next meetings: August 27 and September 25.


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