Regina RWC Meeting Minutes - Jul 11 2013


Regina Regional Women’s Committee Meeting

July 11, 2013

In Attendance:

  • Laura Ursu
  • Kim Reinson
  • Michelle Lang
  • Sandra Clarke
  • Antoinette Pelletier

Called to order at 5:50 pm

Reviewed the last meeting minutes

Financial Review and budget need to be sent to Diane Allen, Marianne Hladun, and Nancy Johnson.  They understand and as well as the Prairie Region Council recognize that the RWC has a whole new executive and would like us to continue to work with Diane and Nancy.

Kim has resent the budget off to them as she has already sent it in.

We do not need to set aside the funds for the upcoming 2014 Convention because it comes out of the REVP office

 We have and outstanding hotel bill for Connie Grass from 2011 ($461.89).  Funds are owed to PRC and we will pay them in full to clear away the debt from the RWC.

Reimburse Laura $56.84 for supper(receipts provided)

-Motion from Laura to pay the bills

-Seconded by Michelle

Our Fiscal year runs from Jan 1-Dec 31; we are to hold four meetings in that time.

Spending over $50.00 needs to be cleared by the committee

Account balance is $5351.63 as of June 8, 2013, cheques for previous bills.

Balance after bills $4832.99.

Our contribution for Tools for Schools will be $100.00

-Motion from Laura to donate 250.00 to tools for school

-Seconded by Antoinette

We feel that donating directly to the Transition House is more walking our path of our vision and mission of the committee.

-Motion from Laura that we will do $100 for new supplies directly to the Reginatransition house.

-Seconded by Sandra

-Laura motion to take $100.00 of account for Michelle to buy school supplies.

-Seconded by Sandra.

Conference in Banff was great and we were all there and very vocal on the microphone and supportive to our own resolutions as well as our sisters.  Participation was awesome and our resolution on domestic violence had passed and will now go onto National at the Conference in November this year.  Those who get to go to the conference need to support it at the microphone.

Laura is the committee’s chair and has been elected by the committee to attend as the committee’s delegate and her alternate is Michelle.

Sandra engaged the committee in conversation about one of our fallen sisters who died in Ottawa from domestic violence.  This is only one of the many reason that we submitted our resolution. 

Things we want to look at getting involved in - Michelle suggests that we look at V day next year and try to put something together for it.  We have White Ribbon Day in December coming up.  We have International Girls in October and we want to look at linking the national child care issue to that. 

2013 project- We would like to look at the project that will tie directly to our resolution that is going to National and we are looking at booking a Saturday and doing an educational luncheon.   We are looking in October before or after Thanksgiving and we don’t want to go further in the year because of the roads and we don’t want those who have to travel to be at risk.  We would like to look at Moose Jaw Temple Gardens Spa as our location.  Antoinette will look into getting us an elder for prayers, book the conference room, child care room, get rates for parking, rooms, lunch and speakers.  Ask Sandra Ahenakew to be a speaker and if she can’t, Antoinette has a plan B. Laura is going to check into getting her speaker from the Transition House (Marcia Hendrickra) and also check into childcare with the students at SIAST.  We are looking at 30 participants, hopefully not including us so maximum people for booking should be 40 and 10 for the child care room.  We would look at talking about the national child care initiative there as well as domestic violence.  We would like to book this on a Saturday as that would work for most people.  We will email each other about the success with the planning of our project.

-Motion put forward by Laura for the next meeting date Aug 8, 2013.

-Seconded by Sandra.

The committee has decided that the next meeting will be Aug 8/2013 and will now be held on the second Thursday of every month.  Laura emailed Diane to book the boardroom for Aug 8, 2013which will start at 5:30 pm.  Laura will bring her grill and we will grill up some hotdogs for supper.

Meeting adjourn at 7:45pm

Next Meeting:  August 8, 2013

Subsequent meetings to be held on the second Thursday of every month 

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