Regina AC Mtg Minutes - May 22 2013 (Amended)

Regina Area Council Meeting Minutes
May 22, 2013

 In Attendance


  • Melissa Brandt, Chair                    
  • Brett Pollard, Secretary
  • Dan Grunert, Treasurer 
  • Richard Dolinski  
  • Bryan Thompson  
  •  Steve Van Opstal 
  • Satinder Bains 
  •  Michael Schell 
  • Diane Allen  (Regional Rep)

The meeting commenced at 5:30 pm

The adoption of the agenda was M/S/C Satinder/Steve

Previous Meeting Minutes:

The minutes for the October 29, 2012 and May 1, 2013 meetings were reviewed there were no errors/ omissions noted.   M/S/C Michael/ Brett to adopt the minutes as presented.

Treasurer's report:

It was noted that the current bank Balance is as of March 31, 2013 was $ 2987.13.  The change over of the signing of officers was discussed.  The submission of the financial statements and 2013 budget was completed.

M/S/C                   Brett/Michael

To reimburse Sister Melissa $19.32 for dinner expenses. 

Other Business:

Regina Water Watch was discussed.  They have a lot of information on Facebook.  Diane will ask Deanna to resend the information about the petition to Regina locals & request they ask members to sign the petition.  June 30 is the dead line, they still need 2,000 people to sign.

The Tools for Schools project was discussed.  Who to donate supplies to this time, suggestions came up with -Regina Rescue Mission, Salvation Army or Carmichael Outreach.

Alternative NPSW – NPSW is June 9 – 15; there is no budget available from the REVP.  Agreed Area Council will encourage locals to boycott employer events and host member appreciation events over the week instead.  Suggestions included: black armbands or distributing the ‘we are all affected’ stickers.  Sister Melissa to prepare a letter to be sent to locals from Area Council.

Public Services are Cool Campaign:  Sister Diane explained the PSAC wants Area Councils to Public Services are Cool events over the summer months.  Some ideas suggested entering a float in the Buffalo Days parade, taking out a booth at the Regina Exhibition, or setting up a booth in Wascana Park to distribute balloons and tattoos at another event.  Sister Diane will look into some opportunities and the information to Area Council. 

Our Organization: