Minutes of the Meeting of the
Lethbridge and District Area Council
May 1, 2013
In attendance:
Greg Krokosh (30027), President; Sherry Hunt (30048), Vice-President; David Pearson (30048), Secretary/Treasurer; Raj Hari, PSAC Regional Rep; Ray Wilson(30048); Herhald Mark (30048); Cathy Mac Fadden (30858); Susan Krysztofiak (30048); Amanda Herman (30858); Michele Jackson (30048); Shannan Little (30048); Maria Fitzpatrick (70041)
Marianne Hladun, Regional Executive Vice-President for the PSAC Prairie Region
Called to order: 1815 hours
1) Agenda was adopted as presented
2) Minutes of the April 9, 2013 meeting was read and adopted with corrections
3) Area Council Treasurer report was adopted as presented
- As of May 1, 2013, the book balance: $568.62
4) Resolution from Lethbridge Regional Women Committee
- Sister Fitzpatrick presented two resolutions dealing with child care issues at union functions and what solutions they propose.
- Sister Hladun suggests that if the Area Council desires to support these resolutions, they should submit them under their name at the next convention.
- There was consensus that the Area Council revisits the resolutions when the call for resolutions for the Prairie Regional Convention is announced.
5) NDP Fundraising
- Sister Hladun and others state that we must back the NDP as they back labour.
- Sister Hladun mentions that the Council cannot donate to the any political party but we can volunteer our time.
- NDP are having two fund raising events: Friday May 3, 2013 at the Black Tomato and June 14, 2013 –fundraising for Lethbridge East
1.BBQ and speaker
- Themes: services in Alberta and sustainable environment
2. Encourage members to go
- Ticket levels $25, $30 or $35- meal and donation
3. At Heritage House
6) Future plans
a. National Aboriginal Day
- Sister Hunt suggested that we support the Labour Council National Aboriginal Day event.
- The program is a documentary about the water issues in Alberta: Sacred Spirit of Water by Morningstar Mercredi.
- CLC is funding the event and the PSAC will provide people to host.
- It was carried that the Area Council will provide $160 funding to the event if other sources of money do not come through.
- Move/Second Sister Little/Sister Herman
b. Labour Day
- Sister Hunt suggested that we show the video ‘We are Wisconsin’ that CASA for the Labour Day event, CLC will loan to the Council the Video
- It was agree that we would do this with the Labour Council
7) Guest Speaker- Sister Hladun
a. Sister Hladun introduces herself to the Council and her labour history with the PSAC.
- Was an original member of the Prairies Regional Council
b. Doing leadership meeting around the Rand issue
- Do not know when or where but will happen
- We must be a head of the game
c. NBOD Strategy
- Created a mission statement that works well with the 19 components and Regions
- There is a need to change the government at least a minority one
d.We all need to be politically active
e. At the worksite we need to save jobs
- Members who lost jobs most get active
- 19,000 lost more to come
d.Committees financials: A new method
- Need a budget/financial statement/ bank statement
- 4 meetings a year
- Funding will be base need not equable among committees
- There is a reduce allotment for conferences
e. PRC April leadership
- 23/33 National officers show up
- Look at the needs of the region
- Communication it was deemed to be important
f. TV adds expensive ($1.2Million)
g. YouTube is an inexpensive alternative
- Needs to have a positive message
h. Education
- From the Health and Safety conference:1 day Health and Safety for PSAC members – introduction
- 1 day TUB course with alternative formats
- This is part of the One on One Campaign that is coming soon: members signs pledge cards to show support
i. Communication
- Over 3000 members sign up for the Prairie Region e-newsletter
- Facebook page will have increase postings
- Leadership needs to lead over the Rand issues
- Members need to recognize the benefits we have and that they are under attack
- Members get most of their information from management- needs to change
- We need to counter the message which is in the press- the view of public services is scary- they need to be called out and be accountable for the miss information
Within the Region:
1. One on one conservation
2. More member votes in election:
- Large proportion do not vote
- We have an opportunity to select our boss
- Not too many employees have that opportunity
- Members needs to response to local media
- Members needs to tell us how we are doing
8) PSAC Regional Office – Brother Hari
- Local training for the One on One Campaign later
- Course- let us know what you need
9) The meeting was adjourned at 1950
10) Next meeting TBA